Oh, look how cute, little Jimmy, on his class trip! Hey, look at Suzy raising her hand in class! Uhhh, is that Miss Defanti? What is she doing? Why yes, kids, that …
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Groucho Marx once famously quipped “I don’t care to belong to a club that would have me as a member.” I sort of feel the same way about online dating …
Call it wishful thinking, but rumors that Rihanna made a sex tape have been circulating for months. And this morning, some people are claiming this one is actually legit. We …
Paint Your Own Boobies With “My Beautiful Breasts Body Sculpting Kit”
by The Friskyby The FriskyThroughout the ages women have gone to great pains to get showstopping and eye-dropping cleavage. The corset was rough, stuffed-toilet paper bras were prone to discovery and the push-up bra …
Food company Del Monte asked more than 1,000 British women to vote on which celebrity they think is the coolest and worthy of being stuck on a stick. Daniel Craig …
The 9th Annual Masturbate-a-Thon took place in San Francisco last weekend, and the competition was stiff! The event, sponsored by the Center for Sex & Culture, was founded in honor of surgeon …