Imagine a woman: She has a college degree and a job, she pays for her own house and …
Billy Antonio
This video from Vox shows magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of human beings doing all kinds of nifty …
I love dirty talk. I LOVE IT. All of it, even bad dirty talk because bad dirty talk, …
You’d think I’d remember the night that I discovered that my would be-husband was also bisexual–that the relationship …
Because we currently live in a digital renaissance of eternal contrarianism, a widespread dislike of “Friends” is something …
Amanda Chantal Bacon, proprietor of a shop I’d blessedly never heard of before today, granted Elle’s audience a …
Let’s continue our ongoing conversation about blowjobs, which will go on as long as there are willing mouths …
A nice ass in a tight pair of jeans! The ability to hold an intelligent conversation! Fellating a …
That “private” Farrah Abraham and James Deen sex tape is here to ruin lunch for us all! From …