There I was, minding my own (lady-)business, happily masturbating with my Laya Spot, when the cat hopped up on …
Billy Antonio
I moved last month, which means a new apartment, a new neighborhood, and most importantly, a new mailman, …
VITAL STATS Born: August 25, 1976, Stockholm, Sweden Sun: Virgo Ascendant: Unknown Moon: Virgo Mercury: Virgo Venus: Virgo …
We ladies work so hard to heat things up in the bedroom. It’s a damn shame what we’re …
I spend half of my days feeling kind of like a hooker. There are no patent leather platforms …
Hi, I’m Dr. V. I’m not a real doctor, I just play one on the Internet. What I …
Bacterial vaginosis, also known as BV, isn’t the most pleasant of subjects in polite company, but it’s something …
Male bonding never ceases to fascinate. Apparently “bro-jobs” – sexual experiences between (specifically white) men who identify as …
“People say think globally, act locally. Well, if you think globally, it is overwhelming and you do not …