J.K. Trotter at Gawker’s Black Bag vertical did a very, very, very in-depth investigation of a claim from …
The Frisky
“At that age, actually, youth gives us a level of confidence — it’s naivety. But, our brains don’t change until we’re …
Missing “Food Network Star”‘s Remains Were Discovered In A Wood-Burning Oven
by The Friskyby The FriskyIn tragic, stomach-turning news, the remains of former “Food Network Star” contestant Christie Schoen Codd and her husband …
House GOP Softens Draconian Immigration Bill With Buzzfeed-Style GIFs
by The Friskyby The FriskyOh look! The Government thinks it’s Buzzfeed! Apparently, the GOP is trying to demonstrate that they are hip to what …
“Saving Room For Cats” Offers The Perfect Answer To Manspreading
by The Friskyby The FriskyThose among us who have ever watched a dude spread his legs across the length of three seats on …
Duggars’ Son-In-Law Purposely Runs Over Cat In Sled As Sociopathic Family Giggles
by The Friskyby The FriskyWell this is charming. Earlier this week, the Duggars–a very holy group of people who have lots of babies …
I wanted to like Julie Holland’s opinion pieceon “Medicating Women’s Feelings” in the New York Times yesterday, but …
Gwen Stacy Is Your New Spider-Man, Oh I’m Sorry, Spider-Woman
by The Friskyby The FriskyMarvel just unmasked its newest superhero and the big twist isn’t just that it’s a woman — it’s …
Is Jamie Dornan Saying “Laters Baby” To The “Fifty Shades” Sequels?
by The Friskyby The FriskyRumor has it, Jamie Dornan does not want to play Christian Grey in the “Fifty Shades” sequels, apparently because …