Hold on to your girls before you read this, ladies. There is a practice called “breast ironing” in the African country of Cameroon, a practice which involves flattening a girl’s …
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Tabloid Cheat Sheet: Oprah Was A Teenage Prostitute? Gore’s Masseuse Abuse Plot Thickens?
by The Friskyby The FriskyIt’s a slow news week when the biggest stories are about bikini bodies and celebrities without makeup, but this week had some pleasant surprises as well. A certain husband-stealing vixen …
I used to have a cat named Kurtis. He was champagne-colored, rather large, and when he got mad at me, which was not infrequently, he would take random things of …
Lady Gaga is giving her grungy, long-haired ex-boyfriend, Luc Carl, a second chance. The two dated for three years, but broke up forever ago. Now, they are seeing each other again …
First miniature dogs, then cats, and now miniature pigs? Piglet from Disney’s Winnie the Pooh better move on over. This miniature pig named Clive is taking the spotlight. This little pig, who …
“Privates,” The Video Game That Takes Place In A Vagina
by The Friskyby The FriskyNo video game could be quite so depraved as “Bonetown,” the world’s first action-adventure porno video game. But a new game called “Privates” rachets up the shock factor. Tiny soldiers storm through the human …