Edward Snowden’s miraculous, film-like saga has gripped the world. After leaking confidential US government secrets, Snowden managed to escape to Hong …
The Frisky
May was national fapping month, I sort of dropped the ball on this post but hey, does one …
Ladies, ever get a creepy, unwanted dick pic or jerk off shot from a dude online? There you …
I’m holding fast, patiently awaiting the day when Johnny Depp and Russell Brand finally throw down for their …
The Internet Rape Joke Wars have been waged, on and off, since at least last year, when comedian …
Watch Blake Shelton And Miranda Lambert’s Beautiful Acoustic Version Of “Over You,” Dedicated To Oklahoma Tornado Victims
by The Friskyby The FriskyOn last night’s episode of “The Voice,” Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton opened the show with a staggeringly beautiful …
Happy Star Trek Week everyone! I have been waiting for this week to begin for months! My fellow …
A young lady named Bridget Evans graduated from the graduate program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign …
Makeup Bag: Facial Cleansing Wipes For Late Nights And Lazy Mornings
by The Friskyby The FriskyThey aren’t the sexiest or most exciting beauty product — not by a long shot — but facial …