Mindy Kaling’s estranged brother, Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam, has a new book out called Almost Black: The True Story of How I Got Into Medical School by Pretending To Be Black. But Kaling …
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After a certain point, the answer to “What Would Suri Do?” just isn’t terribly challenging. This is why we must find new child icons to obsess over. And it looks …
I was at the bar at the Mandarin Oriental in Las Vegas enjoying a glass of champagne and having an intense one-in-the-morning chat with a new friend about raising kids …
Earlier this morning, I learned that I only have 11 months and 29 days to find a boyfriend and convince him to marry me (or else!). With that in mind, …
If I have a daughter one day, among the many things I’ll teach her will be how to tie her shoes, to look both ways before crossing the street, to …
I know, that headline sounds like a “which one of these things doesn’t belong” logic puzzle. But stay with me, because I’m going to explain how they are all related …