In 2007, Against Me!, a punk rock band from Gainesville, Florida, released a song called “The Ocean.” In his trademark melodic growl, lead singer Tom Gabel sang the following lyrics: …
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This weekend, I was taking a cooking class with a friend when I was overcome with annoyance that my lips were chapped and my lip balm was tucked inside my …
Naked Islamic Woman In Body Paint Veil Causes Controversy For Foreign Policy Magazine
by The Friskyby The FriskyWonk-y magazine Foreign Policy’s most recent issue, The Sex Issue, is right up our alley with a cover story article about the how the real war on women is in the …
I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world … For most of us, “Barbie Girl” was just a catchy pop song in the summer of 1997. But for some truly special …
Well, this is one way to honor Queen Elizabeth’s 60th anniversary on the throne. Vajazzling is bad, but Majazzling is worse. UK website is offering this limited edition “Majazzle” package …
“It’s a strange thing that before you marry that it’s a custom to give a girl a rock. When you’re married, you should get the rock, and when you get …