Source: Wikipedia
“It’s a strange thing that before you marry that it’s a custom to give a girl a rock. When you’re married, you should get the rock, and when you get engaged, you should get a simple band. It just seems like the engagement is weaker, so it should be the band, and when you get to the wedding, that’s the rock. It should be the reverse with the rings. People break up their engagements all the time, and then the guy loses the rock. It’s not fair to the man. The woman should stick it through to the end to get the rock. Of course, the real prize is the love.”
–Leelee Sobieski, at the premiere of “The Five Year Engagement,” on how she’d rearrange the whole marriage ritual if she could. Sobieski is married to the father of her daughter Louisanna, fashion designer Adam Kimmel. Makes sense to me. [NYMag.com]
Original by: Julie Gerstein