I think leggings confuse a lot of people, right? First off, leggings are in that netherworld between pants …
The Frisky
Stay on your toes, Frisky readers in Vermont: a “self-described Sasquatch researcher” claims he has video of Bigfoot ravaging …
Where dogs seem just happy to be fed and petted, cats lead much more complicated emotional lives. They …
Shirtless Prince Harry Immortalized In London Gay Bar Mural
by The Friskyby The Frisky“Pride” takes on a whole new meaning at Manbar, a London gay bar that just got its own shirtless …
Black cats have it pretty rough. Not only do they have the stigma of a negative superstition around …
“My girl is very sensitive and I find it very offensive when these rough strays start sniffing around …
Guys, it’s been a rough week here in New York and the surrounding areas. We feel a little beat …
Nude photos of Kat Dennings, the boobtastic star of “2 Broke Girls,” have leaked online. [Your Tango] Today …
I have very mixed feelings about a piece on NYMag.com’s blog about “hipster sexism.” The authors Alissa Quart and Lauren …