The most important trick to not getting cheated on by your man is knowing how to spot potential cheaters from the outset. This is not always easy. But there are a few characteristics many cheaters display.
There are 12 ways to spot a cheat, but I warn you, if you’re anything like me, you will see yourself (and the one you love) in them. Never fear. The reality is, we have to trust our own instinct with this stuff. No simple list will affirm our worries or assure us that we aren’t with a “cheater.” Anyone can cheat in the right circumstances or stay faithful given the same.
Nevertheless, here are the 12 ways:
- You earn more than him: They suggest that this will ”dent his ego,” but hey, whatever happened to marrying a man whose ego isn’t tied up in his paycheck? I will never earn more than my husband (who happens to be in a more lucrative career), but I can say without a doubt that if I did, he would be psyched.
- He works long hours: Apparently if you and your partner only spend 10 percent of your time together, you’re at risk for cheating. I call BS on this one, though. Long hours are part of the success equation, unfortunately. Long hours may just mean he is devoted to the family and to providing for it.

Source: nypost
- You live together before getting married: If I hear one more study on this, I will scream. Living together before marriage can be a very good thing if you consider it a marriage audition. You learn all about one another so the first year of marriage is a much easier transition.
- His father or brother has had an affair: Yes, your man may have inherited a genetic variant that affects an important attachment hormone called vasopressin, which may lead to cheating. Or, he could have just learned the same bad behavior that his dad and brother have. Either way, this one is legit.
- He has a twin who cheats: Duh.
- He’s been married before (but you haven’t): I don’t put much stock in this one given he probably wants to make this marriage work like his last one didn’t. So there.
Original by: The Stir