“Lovesick” doesn’t just mean crying so hard after you have been dumped that you barf on your bed sheets. (Although, girl, I have been there. True story.) You can also be lovesick when you’re so engulfed in love for another person that being away from them makes you feel ill. Me, for instance: my boyfriend travels on business a lot. A lot. Sometimes I am just happy to watch “The Rachel Zoe Project” without anyone whining, but sometimes it’s slow and lonely torture. Last week, for example, I found myself crying in a bathroom stall at work (which — do I even have to say as someone who works at The Frisky? — I never do) because I just felt like half of me had flown across the country. It was pathetic. Sad. Sucky to the max.
Today, he left on yet another business trip. This time it’s only a short one, praise be. But my foodie lover has sweetened his absence — literally — by sending me a box of handmade, artisanal chocolates to sate my sweet tooth. Chocolate could never replace half of my heart, the love of my life. But any girl will tell you, chocolate just … helps. Bitches, you know I’m totally blogging right now with citrus/rum raisin/toast-flavored chocolate melting in the corners of my lips.

Source: Wolipop
This got me thinking: what are some other things couples can do for each other when one of them starts singing “I’m Leavin’ On A Jet Plane”?
If you’re the one leavin’ on a jet plane:
- A delivery of chocolates, flowers or one of those fruit-baskets-shaped-to-look-like-flowers are always appreciated.
- A goofy postcard or two couldn’t hurt, especially if it’s not just some generic one but one that actually reminds you of her.
- Don’t leave a crap-ton of laundry or dirty dishes behind for her to wash in your absence.
- If you’re staying in a hotel that has fancy little shampoos and body wash, see if you can bring ‘em home for her in your luggage.
- TiVo the shows you would normally watch together, so you can enjoy them when you get back.
- If she’s got her old childhood teddy bear or another stuffed animal hiding in storage, pull it out before you go and leave a little note: “I thought you could use someone to snuggle with while I’m gone!”
- Stock the freezer with a pint of her favorite ice cream.
- Sexy photos of yourself are appreciated, but no pics of just your penis, please! Unless you are dating Samantha Jones on “Sex & The City,” women generally consider penis photos to be gross.

Source: Twitter
If you’re the one back at home who “doesn’t know” when he’ll be back again:
- Hide a piece of your sexiest lingerie as a surprise in his luggage. Not his carry-on, though, because that could get awkward!
- Slip a book he has been meaning to read into his carry-on before a long flight (or download it onto his Kindle or iPad, if you are modern like that).
- Don’t delete his favorite shows from the Tivo or throw away any of his magazines. (Hopefully, this is just common courtesy, though.)
- Stock the fridge with his favorite foods, or cook a welcome home dinner, when he gets back.
- Pick him up at the airport with no panties on … and let him know via text message right before he boards his flight so he has the whole time to think about it!
- Email a sexy or cute photo of yourself to him every night. I am a fan of emailing photos of myself after I get dressed in the morning with a note that says, “Look how cute I am today!”
- Two words: phone sex. Two more words: Skype sex.
What do you do for your boo on a business trip? Tell us in the comments!
Original by Jessica Wakeman