Singles visit dating sites for all sorts of reasons, but most of these drill down to one constant. They are looking for some sort of relationship. Many choose to use the convenience of meeting people this way to arrange casual liaisons, with some websites specifically geared towards arranging no-strings-attached encounters. But huge numbers of singles sign up to an online dating website because they are seeking a love interest; someone to embark on a serious relationship with. So what are five golden rules when it comes to searching for a soulmate?

Look in the right places
It might seem a no-brainer, but many singles searching for their ideal relationship fall at the first hurdle because they end up signing up to inappropriate sites. Dating resources are not a generic mass, where you can jump in at your leisure and expect to browse through a limitless pool of talent which is just waiting to be untapped. Go onto the wrong site and you might find yourself trying to convince someone who loves fetishes you are the love of their life! Be realistic about the other singles you wish to reach out to, and do some research about those outlets which are focused on serious romance.
Appreciate the signs of a player
One issue with dating websites is their sheer popularity. In attempting to uncover other singles who would be candidates for a proper relationship, you will inevitably come across people who might give the impression they’re searching for a fellow love interest, but this is a line they use to every potential partner they connect with. Signs to look for? Do they contact you at strange times, cancel arrangements at the last minute, or repeat conversation topics? All this would indicate someone who is juggling various contacts.

Source: Medium
Never rush into anything
When seeking a serious relationship, remember you are not racing against the clock. One of the most important attributes of online matching is you are making the most of the convenience offered by these websites. Take your time sifting through the descriptions which have already been uploaded, assessing the pros and cons of prospective partners. When you do come across someone who appears to tick your boxes in terms of personality and passions, get to know them better by messaging. This will give a further impression of their suitability, allowing you to make measured decisions about meeting up in the real world, where your assessment can be completed.
Work out each other’s aspirations
As you are getting to know any potential candidate for a serious partnership, it can be easy to be bowled over by superficial aspects, such as looks or physique, or even how well remunerated their job is. But you will have a far better chance of really connecting if you discover common ground at an early stage. Â While building a sense of chemistry with message exchanges, delve deeper to find out more. What are their motivations in life? What are they truly interested in? What’s their story? This will all help towards painting a three-dimensional portrait which is far more conducive with a long-term relationship

Source: Pinterest
Honesty is the best policy
If you are considering a serious relationship, it is important to let your partner in on this at an early stage. If you divulge this information and they end up running a mile, then they were clearly not right for you. Far better to work this out before you get too involved. On the other hand, if you make this admission and they reciprocate enthusiastically, you are well on your way to achieving your mutual goal.