When you try to look online to see what’s causing your oily skin, the internet will give you so many answers. “It’s sweat!” “It’s copious amounts of highlighter!” “It’s SUPER OIL!” Some of these might be the cause, while others are just really obvious answers, and you’re like, “I know that’s why, but how do I fix it?” Washing your face helps with some of those issues, but it only does so much. Fortunately, there are a few tips, tricks, and products for fixing oily skin when washing your face is not freaking cutting it.
While there are a variety of reasons why your face might be an oil slick, it can still be tough to know what’s causing it and if there’s any real cause for concern, of if it’s just something you have to deal with for the time being. Oil’s not always a bad thing, unless you’re just really fed up with it in general, in which case let’s start with the basics and work from there.
Find the right cleanser
Washing your face is obviously a good start in regards to oil control but the cleansers you’re using could be where you’re going wrong. If your face is naturally oilier than the Gulf of Mexico there is no need to add to that oil spill. Look for face cleansers that are oil-free and abandon those that aren’t, like the ones below.

Source: DforDelhi
Find a good primer
With oily skin, there is often a lot of mandatory prep work to be done before applying your make-up. A good primer can ensure the foundation you spent hours blending stays on and doesn’t slide off your face in the middle of the day because duh, oily. These ones are a great start.
Find the right make-up
It’s weird to think about, but the kind of make-up you wear can actually make your skin oilier or drier than normal. For the oily skin types, (you) dewiness is built into your DNA so you can save money on the foundations promising dewy skin, and invest in the mattifying ones instead, like these.

Source: 9000uno
Add a setting powder or spray
Sadly, all those precautionary measures don’t end with the make-up application because that would be too easy. It also helps to start setting your face with a translucent powder or setting spray, just for good measure. The powders below help suck up any excessive oils, and the spray works like the aforementioned primer to further ensure your make-up doesn’t go anywhere without you, aka down to your neck.
Get some blotting papers
The last step in rescuing your make-up from excessive oils is blotting papers, like the ones below. Naturally, your immediate reaction to seeing oil on our face will probably be to wipe it off, but ditch the random diner napkins that just smear your make-up and irritate your face. Then replace them with blotting papers that are specifically designed to absorb as much oil as possible without irritation.

Source: anticipatedvalue
Add a toner
Toners always seem like an unnecessary purchase but they can be the remedy for your oily skin. Once your make-up is removed and your face is clean, a toner acts as an extra cleansing step. Toners remove additional dirt, make-up, and oil that your cleanser might have missed and also balance out the skin. Search for gentle toners though because some toners can strip your face of too many oils and the mission is to control oil, not recreate The Sahara on your face. Happy mediums people, happy mediums.
Eat less crap
Lastly, the consumption of junk food unfortunately comes with consequences, and the oil on your face just might be one of them. This means you have to put down the french fries sometimes because they are not an everyday snack. I’m sorry, but greasy foods leads to greasy faces. Substitute the fast food with some fruits and veggies and increase your water intake. Your face will thank you.
Original by Lindi Bobb