Summer is close, and some of you are not prepared for the beach yet. This leaves you with such a small amount of time to get the body of your dreams, so you need to work hard, or smart.
When it comes to smart work-outs, we are recommending the HIIT type of training, especially when we’re talking burning that extra fat that we got because of overeating in the winter periods.
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with the term HIIT, it basically means High-Intensity Interval Training. It is the type of cardio workout that will leave your heart pounding out of your chest, your body sweating a lot, but with hundreds of calories burned in a very short period.
And a cardio workout is supposed to be just what HIIT is. A quick burst of energy expenditure and a crazy fast heart rate. That is if you want to burn a lot of calories, and I am sure that’s what most of you want. Here are some things that you need to perform these HIIT workouts.

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What do I need for HIIT workouts?
The best thing about performing a HIIT workout session is that you need absolutely no equipment, and it can be done anywhere. In fact, most people who are busy throughout their days, even choose to do in on their workplace. It takes you about twenty to thirty minutes of high-intensity training and movements without any resting, and you are good to go for the day!
Unlike those complicated and impractical running tracks that take up a lot of space and also cost tons of money, for HIIT you just need a pair of shoes. Make sure to check our recommendation for the best shoes for HIIT, and see what they have to offer.
And, another amazing thing about HIIT workout sessions is that you don’t need to learn any complicated movements that will require you to practice them thousands of times to get them right. For example, in the world of bodybuilding, the deadlift and the squat are one of the most complicated movements that you need to perfect to lift a lot of weight on them. And, if you do not get them right, you might injure yourself pretty badly. In HIIT, most of the movements are very, very simple, and they include running, jumping on a box, short distance sprinting, doing many burpees, doing tons of jumping jacks and other similar exercises.

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Some HIIT workouts will push you to the limit and add a few pull-ups and push-ups in the routine, but it depends on what you’ll choose to do.
We live in a world where the biggest excuse for working out is the lack of time. With HIIT, those excuses are not possible. This type of workout is designed for you to burn as many calories as possible in the shortest amount of time. So, with no excuses left, it is time to start training.