If you’re familiar with the automotive industry, then you would know that batteries are available in different sizes and shapes. The two most common types of batteries are lithium and lead-acid. Now it depends on your choice that which one would you like to go for.
Lithium is more of a premium option, most commonly known as an AGM battery that requires zero to no maintenance. Whereas the lead-acid battery is the one we call a regular battery. It’s powerful but does come with a lot of maintenance hassle that not everyone is fond of.
Lithium batteries aren’t affordable but they have less after-purchase expenses. Lead-acid batteries on the other hand are very affordable and come at very low price points. However, they do require a lot of maintenance which will put extra cost on your monthly budget.
This article is going to focus on the two main types of batteries available which are AGM vs regular batteries. We have created this comparison to give you a better understanding of how much power each battery provides so you can opt something completely suited to your needs.
What is a regular (flooded lead-acid) battery?

img source: youtube.com
For so many years, the flooded lead acid battery has been the standard choice of every customer. They’ve been popular among the masses. This type of battery used for backup power mostly along with being infused in forklifts and golf carts. These batteries are extremely cost effective and last a long time when it comes to choosing between flooded lead-acid batteries.
A flooded lead acid battery contains an electrolyte that is free to move around in the battery housing. When you charge the battery, the acid inside the box and the plates react together to store eminent power.
Since these aren’t sealed batteries, you cannot position them in any state that you like. They need to be kept upright so the acid doesn’t leak from the cap holes.
Though it’s the most affordable option for a battery in the market, the only way you will be able to extract its maximum potential is when you maintain it properly and regularly. You will have to check the levels of electrolyte charge monthly. Not to mention, keep topping it up with distilled water to enhance its lifespan.
Also, flooded lead-acid batteries release hydrogen gas abundantly. So make sure you have kept it at a safe place, far from the reach of kids.
What is an AGM (sealed lead-acid) battery?

img source: reichelt.com
A sealed lead-acid battery is quite similar to a flooded lead-acid battery but you cannot access its inside compartment. So you can understand the battery has no need of you adding distilled water. The electrolyte is sealed inside the housing, with no chance of leak, the battery is capable of surviving a number of cycles.
They are also known as Absorbent Glass Mat Battery because they can serve you in a number of conditions. As mentioned before, the electrolyte is sealed inside the box so there is no chance of leakage. But what we didn’t mention is that its trapped inside a glass mat, stuck between the platelets.
This makes the battery anti-resistant which is why they are an ideal choice for RVs and off-road vehicles. The best part is that you can mount them in any orientation. You will often see these batteries being hung from the side of your vehicle.
AGM batteries are quite expensive as compared to lead batteries. And truth be told, they do not last that long. They are only equipped to handle a limited number of cycles and when the time comes, AGM batteries need to be replaced.
But, since they do not require any maintenance and are very safe to use, the price seem pretty much worth paying. We found AGM batteries to be a perfect choice for mobile applications. Leaked acid can be a harmful element at a number of places. So won’t it be ideal if you had something on that won’t cause you additional damage?
Not to mention, you will also not have to worry about maintaining the temperature of AGM batteries since they can handle extremely harsh weather conditions.
AGM Vs Regular Batteries – pros and cons

img source: moerycompany.com
- Flood lead-acid batteries, most commonly known as lithium batteries or regular batteries offer exponential power but do require a lot of maintenance. Whereas sealed lead-acid batteries, also known as AGM batteries offer the same amount of power, sometimes even more but do not require a lot of heavy maintenance.
- Regular batteries are capable of withstanding high-temperature but cannot resist vibrations effectively. However, AGM batteries not only tolerate extreme temperatures but also resist vibrations.
So, this is everything we had on AGM vs regular batteries. Not many people know and understand the benefits of using an AGM battery. Since flood lead-acid batteries are the most common and affordable type of battery available, they seem like the easiest option. However, once you start exploring the industry, you will see how batteries come in all shapes, sizes and power.
While regular batteries do offer a lot of power, their lifespan eventually comes to an end and you will often have to crawl under your stairs and keep the maintenance process going. You cannot even once let the idea of not maintaining your car battery let go.
However, with an AGM battery, you won’t have to worry about the maintenance aspect at all. you also don’t have think about the temperature issue and the fact they are highly resistant against shocks and vibrations put them on top.
For someone who is looking for the best AGM battery to consider, we would suggest you should click the link and find out for yourself. We hope this article has been thoroughly beneficial for you. if there are any concerns or any information you’d like to add, let us know through your comments below.
Checkout BatteryHunter for More Details