Kathryn Heigl is shilling for kitty litter now.
I saw her in a Cat’s Pride commercial last night while I was watching Pretty Little Liars and did a double-take. She’s long been rumored to be difficult to work with, but kitty litter?!

Source: TV Guide
The Chicago Business Journal reports that Heigl isn’t doing this for the money, but to support a charity endeavor:
Heigl doesn’t appear to have signed up with Cat’s Pride for the money however. Rather, it looks to be at least partly an effort to raise funds for the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation, set up by the Heigl family to help eliminate animal cruelty in memory of Jason Heigl, who was killed in an car accident. Noted Katherine Heigl: “We created the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation to continue to spread Jason’s love of animals.” A portion of every Cat’s Pride Fresh and Light Ultimate Care purchase will go to the Foundation, according to the Oil-Dri Corporation of America, the Chicago-based parent of Cat’s Pride.
That’s completely wonderful. And, I think, only part of the story. Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes has an entire policy about not working with Heigl-types anymore, following the actress’ harsh comments about opting out of the Emmys in 2008 and eventual firing from the show. To her credit, Heigl doesn’t shy away from addressing the fact that she’s labeled as difficult; she talked about it with Meredith Viera in 2014.
In the great words of G.I. Joe: Knowing is only half the battle.
Original by: Danielle Henderson