Oh bras, what do to with them? Generally an uncomfortable but necessary evil, the wrong bra can make your day murder. You guys had lots of questions for our undergarment expert Brianna, and she’s kindly taken on a couple of your most pressing requests after the jump. And remember, if you’ve {encode=”julie@thefrisky.com” title=”got a question”} for Brianna, we’ll be happy to send it along!
Q: I have been naturally big-breasted all my life and try to only wear bras when I am leaving the house. I have a few sports bras I try to wear when hanging out at home. One of my friends in high school told me that she sleeps with a bra on every night because it will help keep your breasts perky for longer. Now, I don’t know if this is a myth, but does it have any truth to it? I know that gravity will take hold one day, and already has to a certain degree — I’m 22, very petite, but with a 30G breast size. They run large on my mom’s side of the family. Thanks!

Source: The Independent
A: What I’m getting here is actually two questions:
1) Will sleeping with a bra on keep breasts perky longer?
2) I don’t know what to do with all my boobage and need better support. Well, let me be your support group!
Here’s the deal with breast sag: there are no muscles in the breast. The Cooper’s Ligament is what keeps them suspended (aka perky). Over time, gravity and poor support can stretch the ligament beyond repair. Stretched ligament = saggy boobs. If you’re telling me you only wear a bra when you leave the house, then all the time you’re going bra-less, gravity is basically bungee jumping on your Cooper’s Ligament, pulling it down and stretching it out. If you want to keep your girls looking young, then you need to give them support all the time. That doesn’t mean wearing a super tight, annoying bra either—comfort and support are closer than you think.

Source: Reader’s Digest
The first step is to get sized. So many things can contribute to a fluctuating bra size, so it’s always wise to start with a fresh size. Go to a department store or use Freshpair’s easy DIY Bra Size Guide. Since you’re full-busted, there are a few things to keep in mind: wider straps (cuts down on shoulder fatigue), underwire support (with plenty of cushioning) and full coverage (to keep the girls contained). Oh, and comfort, of course. The Panache Superbra is a huge hit. It’s super smooth, so you can wear it anytime, anywhere, even just around the house. If you’re one of those “an underwire ALL the time?” kind of gals, never fear — the support comes from the entire bra, not just the underwire, so don’t worry about discomfort.
As far as sleeping in a bra goes, it may be an old wives’ tale, but we’re not taking any chances. Once you enter Sagsville, there’s no turning back that doesn’t involve a visit to the plastic surgeon. Just pick a bra that’s comfortable, like a compression sports bra, bralette/bandeau or even a bra-top camisole (which is a clever combo of a bra sewn inside a cami). For a sleeping bra, it’s less about support and more about containment, so you can skip out on the underwire if you want.
Q: I have trouble finding a strapless bra that really looks very good. I have two different VS convertibles and they just don’t do it for the strapless. Suggestions? I’m a 34 D-DD.Those convertibles come with clear straps. When can I wear them? Under thin or spaghetti straps, or what? Not with no-strap clothes, right?
A: Hmmm, bras that can’t keep it up once the support straps are removed. Sounds like a metaphor for some of the guys we’ve dated, doesn’t it? Let’s talk strapless bras; as a 34D-DD, you’re on the cusp between ‘average’ and ‘full-busted,’ which are just fancy names the bra industry uses so they can label bras better. Since your comfort is at stake here, I’d go with a full-busted strapless style because the whole bra is built for support, not just the cups. Three of our favorites (with rave reviews to prove it) are the Wacoal Red Carpet Strapless Bra, the Panache Porcelain Strapless and the Le Mystere Soiree Strapless.
As for those clear straps; they may be clear, but they’re not invisible. I don’t know who these girls are fooling with their clear straps! But their cause isn’t altogether lost — they work nicely under sheer necklines, such as lace, chiffon or mesh. Just remember, if you can see them, so can I.
Original by: Julie Gerstein