Women have always tried to look as beautiful as they can, and thanks to modern technology, it is much easier for them today to beautify themselves. Feeling beautiful has many benefits for their mental health, which is the reason beauty gadgets gained so much popularity. Most of them use batteries for their operation, and knowing how to extend the battery life means spending less money on new gadgets, so we will present you with some tips on how to do that in the text below.

Source: physicsworld.com
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Forget about the popular myth
Many people still remember the older devices whose batteries needed to be formatted before usage. Formatting implied recharging them for about 12 hours, discharging them completely, and repeating that process three times before using them normally. New gadgets use new technology, so-called Li-Ion batteries, and the big difference is that they do not need to be formatted, and we can use them normally from the beginning. It makes everything much easier, but many people are still convinced that formatting is necessary, which is not a good idea as it can do more harm than good and cause various malfunctions of the entire gadget.
Make sure to use the right
We cannot imagine our lives without beauty gadgets like face lifters, cleansing boosters, or famous multitaskers, but all these devices come with a manual and a charger that we should use. Now, a thing that usually happens is that people forget to bring chargers when traveling and start using any other one that fits. Of course, this will do the job in that precise moment, but doing so often will just do more harm. Another common situation is not ordering a new charger when the first one stops working and switching to any other type that fits the purpose. All these things are not good for the battery, and think of it this way – there must be a reason why it’s clearly stated that you should use only chargers designed for your beauty gadget. Chargers differ in voltage, cable diameter, and many other factors, so using one that is not specially designed for certain gadgets will harm the battery and shorten its lifespan after only a few usages.

Source: vanillaluxury.sg
Timing is everything
When we talk about rechargeable batteries, we cannot go past the fact that most people don’t follow the instructions on how to do so properly. Yes, these instructions can prolong the battery life of your hair removal device or purifying facial steamer, as you have already spent enough in the name of beauty, so why do something that will just cost you more in the end? Follow the instructions, don’t leave devices charging for too long, and don’t wait for the battery to get fully discharged. Doing so will definitely prolong the life of your beauty gadget battery, and besides that, it will work flawlessly. Most people have a bad habit of charging the devices after every usage, which is, for most of them, not necessary as it can last for at least two or three usages, so make sure to recharge them only when it is needed.
Don’t use fast chargers
Yes, this is something we all have trouble with because when in need of some beauty gadget, we feel like we don’t have enough time to wait for an anti-wrinkle massager to charge up and seek the fastest solution. Now, the name of these chargers says everything, but using them can damage the battery in the long run and, in the end, turn out to be a much more costly decision. Namely, every type of battery comes with certain instructions on how and when they need to be charged. Of course, everything is much more efficient with fast chargers, but it is damaging to the battery, and after using these chargers several times, you will start to notice these “side effects.” Regarding that, it is much better to use the original charger and think in time instead of using the fast one and speeding up the process. Fast chargers are a great invention, but it is necessary to use them only for devices they are made for, or they can do more harm than good.

Source: redmondpie.com
Go with higher quality batteries
This is probably the best solution to all our beauty gadget problems with batteries, as no matter how often we need to charge them, it somehow seems that when we need them, the battery doesn’t work. Of course, a simple solution is to buy the cheapest type and plenty of them (as you’ll need more of them), but a much safer decision is to go with the type of batteries that grant durability. Namely, there are many types and brands to choose from, which is why doing a bit of research is always recommended, as it is the only way to find the best one. On the other hand, you can always opt and go with a proven brand and buy the best rechargeable batteries on the market that you can also find at eblofficial.com.
Don’t leave beauty gadgets in cold or hot places
Every electronic device has trouble operating when it is too cold, and batteries are not an exception. The cold drains them much faster, so we can leave the gadget with the full battery and realize it is empty without even using it. That is why it is not recommended to leave beauty gadgets in cold areas for long periods, and it is crucial to store them at optimal temperatures. Storing them in too cold temperatures will reduce the battery lifespan and the gadget’s lifespan as well. All of this gets even more important when it is about some device we value but don’t use that often, as it’s then when we store them without thinking about the conditions and especially the temperature of that area.

Source: womenlovetech.com
On the other side, high temperatures can be even more dangerous because they will shorten the battery lifespan and cause even more trouble as they can easily make the battery too hot and cause a fire.