Here at The Frisky, we’re huge fans of astrology and cats. Now, thanks to our friends at BuzzFeed, our two loves have finally been combined to form the amazing and adorable Zodiac Cats. Click through to learn more about your feline sign! [BuzzFeed]
Aries Cat

Source: The Frisky
Aries Cats are pounce-first-and-ask-questions-later type of cats. Read more…
Taurus Cat

Source: The Frisky
Taurus Cats form strong friendships with a few people rather than being the kind of cat who’s, like, all over everyone’s lap regardless of how much they deserve it. Read more…
Gemini Cats

Source: The Frisky
Gemini Cats are full of life and energy, and they’re quick to adapt to different situations. Read more…
Cancer Cat

Source: The Frisky
If you are a Cancer Cat, you are kind of a contradictory cat. You seek the security of, like, being in your favorite box or whatever, but you also long for new adventures, like getting into the pantry and knocking all the cans off the shelves. Read more…
Leo Cat

Source: The Frisky
Leo Cats are extremely honorable and dignified. For a cat, I guess this means that they are maybe slightly less likely to lick themselves in public. Read more…
Virgo Cat

Source: The Frisky
Virgo Cats are very cerebral and introspected. They may seem calm and collected, but inside their feline minds are working overtime. Read more…
Libra Cat

Source: The Frisky
Libra Cats are extremely empathetic, and they’re always quick to look at an issue from someone else’s point of view. Read more…
Scorpio Cat

Source: The Frisky
Scorpio Cats are very deep and intense. They seem cool and detached, but deep down they are incredibly passionate about deep important cat questions. Read more…
Sagittarius Cat

Source: The Frisky
Sagittarius Cats are always optimistic and excited about the future and never dwell in the past. Read more…
Capricorn Cat

Source: The Frisky
Capricorn Cats are incredibly ambitious, and they’re always determinedly pursuing projects to improve themselves. Read more…
Aquarius Cat

Source: The Frisky
Aquarius Cats are visionaries. They are unconventional and they go their own way. Read more…
Pisces Cat

Source: The Frisky
Pisces Cats are very spiritual and intuitive. If you are a Pisces Cat, you are sensitive and prone to extremes of emotion. Read more…
Original by Winona Dimeo-Ediger