Employer branding is a concept that aims to make employees feel at home and ease while working at the company. Ensuring that employees could feel this way, is one of the ultimate important things that a company and employer should aim to have.
In this article, we will discuss more about what employer branding is, how to build employer branding, why employer branding is important for companies and other related things that you should know. Keep on scrolling to know more about all of these important features for a company!
What is Employer Branding?
Employer branding is a concept that can be applied in a company to make employees feel comfortable, thus the company can be showcased as a good place to work. Aside from that, the employer branding strategy also aims to increase employees’ work productivity and ensure they can work optimally. In this case, the company must provide more benefits or facilities to employees that can encourage employees to feel like they are staying at a good place.
Employer branding itself has two goals. First, employer branding is carried out to ensure employees can feel happy while working at the company, and secondly, it is aimed at the new employee selection process to make it easier to find the best candidates and retain them.
So in essence, the human resource section can take advantage of employer branding to make the company better in the eyes of their own employees as well as market the company in public eyes along with the prospective new employees.
Benefits of Employer Branding
The benefits of an effective employer branding strategy are numerous. Establishing a positive employer brand can help drive loyalty, satisfaction and retention among your current employees while helping to bring in new, highly skilled members. Moreover, it can help build trust between your organization and its stakeholders—which goes a long way in driving successful business outcomes. In addition to these tangible benefits, there are several other ways that building an effective employer brand can contribute to your success:
-Increased visibility: When done correctly, employer branding helps give your company and its positions more visibility. It aids the visibility of job postings, talent interviews and recruitment events as well as raises awareness about the benefits of joining your team.
-Attracts talent from diverse backgrounds: An effective employer branding strategy allows you to connect with potential candidates from all educational levels and backgrounds—expanding the range of individuals you are able to engage with for various roles within your company.
-Positive reputation: An effective strategy plays a role in creating a positive reputation for organizations by providing reliable information about the organization’s core values and career opportunities that they offer to interested individuals. This helps create an overall favorable perception of the company which can lead to more positive business relationships.
–Morale boost: A successful employer branding initiative ultimately creates a supportive work environment wherein employees feel satisfied working with the company based on their beliefs and values that are shared through their organizations’ public image initiatives—ultimately resulting in increased morale among existing staff members.
How to Build Employer Branding?
Then how do you build good employer branding? How to make the employees feel good, and at the same time urge them to showcase by themselves all things related to your company? There are several things you can try to make the company show a good image, and you can discover all by reading all about them below.
Give Sufficient Information On Career Sites
Whatever potential candidate finds from the company profile on career sites, influences them to further find new information about the company.
Provide a clear explanation of why the candidate should work at the company, for example in terms of different policies, work programs, benefits, and awards that employees will receive. In addition, you should also clearly describe the job description that the employee will work on at the company.
If necessary, include testimonials or messages from employees who have worked or are currently working at the company to add positive value.
Market Your Company Life on Social Media
It cannot be denied that now social media has become a platform with a very large number of users of all ages, including people with productive ages to work.
One social media user might be a potential candidate for the company. Job seekers admit that they now use social media as their main tool in finding job vacancies. Therefore, companies need to be active on social media which can also be a “place” for job seekers who are interested in working at the company.
Social media not only can be a good place to recruit potential candidates, but it is also a good tool to showcase to people that your company is trusted, fun, and has a good image. You can create a specialized social media account, which showcases the working environment at your company. For example, create an Instagram account with the username @lifeat (your company name).
This is something that most start-ups or big Alpha companies do because they realize it is equally as important to do this. Showcasing how fun the employees feel when working at your company can help to increase customer confidentiality to shop or hire for the service of your company. After all, a good company will take care of its internal matters first – before being able to improve the life of its external communities.
Provide Company Branding Products for Employees
You can provide employees with a couple of products with your company logos on them. For example by giving out customizable water bottle labels with your logo on them, a well-made jacket, and all products that can be designed with your logo. Once in a while, you can also send out a surprise package to employees, to make them feel excited.
It is a normal thing for people nowadays to share their excitement and gratitude on their own social media and tag your company account. This strategy is great to urge employees to showcase to everyone the benefits and all they can get while working at your company.
These are all the things that you as the employer can do to ensure that you market your company well. Not just in the essence of your product or service, but in your company’s internal organization as well. With well-maintained employer branding, you will not only be able to retain and easily hire prospective candidates, but it can also increase customers’ trust and interest in your business!