Do you ever feel empty inside as you troll the Hallmark aisle at the drugstore, searching for something, anything that is actually applicable to the person you’re buying it for? I always feel a need to write some kind of gushy side note inside greeting cards to prove I actually care about the person I’m buying it for, because the cookie-cutter phrasing on the packaging simply doesn’t do the job. Finding decent greeting cards is so rare that when I do, I tend to stockpile cards I don’t need just in case. Enter Emily McDowell Studio, created by a former advertising art director. Due to a sudden rush of demand, the business is actually taking a break from Etsy and working solely through its own website at the moment, but fans can sign in on Etsy for updates on the shop’s return. In the meantime, check out Emily’s site and click through for a few cards that skip the flowery language and tell it like it is…
[$4.50, Emily McDowell Studio]Original by: Claire Hannum