We know how much women love to dress according to the latest trends, and a good outfit can’t go without a good handbag. Now, there are a lot of handbags out on the market and you can find pretty good ones for modest prices, but if you really want high quality and a beautiful handbag you will need to pay according to that. One of the most popular handbags out on the market is the Hermes ones. Hermes is an online store and a fashion brand situated in Paris that produces watches, fragrances, jewelry as well as handbags for woman and man.
The thing with these is that as Hermes bags are quite pricey. All around the internet you can run into people offering Hermes bags for a much lower than the original price, while they are actually trying to sell you a replica that will fall apart in a few weeks. Now, a lot of these replicas actually look quite similar and it is not that easy figuring out the difference. Luckily, the website www.hermesexperts.com offers the service of authentication. Let’s take a look at how do they do it!
What Is Hermesexperts
Hermesexperts is a Hermes authentication service found by Emily Berg in 2015, with the mission of helping people in figuring out frauds and copies of Hermes bags. All the authentications are personally handled, and the website offers an excellent support service as well.
A great thing with the Hermesexperts is that it is not in anyway affiliated with the Hermes brand, and thus you can completely trust the viability of this service. Emily Berg does the authentication using her knowledge, and experience that she got buying Hermes bags throughout the years.
How Does Hermes Authentication Service Work
Whether you are an interested buyer or seller you can get the bag authenticated. All you need to do is to provide the pictures or link to your bag, and you will get the response from Emily Berg in 12 hours at most. Of course, with the pictures, she demands the PayPal payment of fees as well. What is great with this Hermes authentication service is that if she determines the bag is real you get a PDF watermarked certificate to prove that.
As it is claimed on the website you can submit the Hermes authentication service request in a few cases:
- When you have already bought the bag, but want to check if it is real or fake
- When you want to buy one online, you can send the link of the product offered
- When you want to sell a bag and need proof that it is real
When you want to dispute the fact that it is fake you can get the certificate of non-authenticity
How To Order
The payment of fees is done by PayPal in advance, or via credit card if you don’t have one. As of the photos you submit the same to the email listed on www.hermesexperts.com and get the response in a matter of 12 hours.
All in all, we think that this website offers a great opportunity for anyone not sure or simply skeptic about the originality of the offered bag. This way you can get a 100% certain opinion and certificate on whether it is real or fake, and stay trouble free!