So you are a music nerd and you are tired of just sitting back passively and now you want to make a move from being a consumer to a producer. You want to start making your own music, but how do you even start making music? What do you need?
In this article we will discuss some tips and facts regarding beat making, so that you can sidestep all the problems and roadblocks that comes in the way of making your music and assist you in making the right decision.
These tips will not only make beat making fun, but also give you an idea of how to create the best sound. Read on the article to know more.
Listen analytically
Learn how to listen to music in an analytical way. Listening to your favorite producers can teach you a lot. When you listen for panning for example or the method in which they play their baseline technique, the rhythm, the pacing, different types of instruments they use to fill all the frequency, that’s a great resource.
Layer the beats and fix phase
The most common beat making technique is layering the beats. Layering your music samples can help you create beats with the best of both the samples. However, while layering, you might face phase issues. Layering samples can lead your beats to lose the bass. You can take the help of online beat maker software to fix the problem. Use the delay feature to fix this phase issue. You can shift the sounds until you start hearing a huge bass (meaning your music is aligned).
Compare your beats with professionals
When mixing your beats compare your beats to the sound of professionals. When it comes down to mixing and mastering an entire project, you want them to sound as good as possible. What you can do is compare your sounds with the way that fully mix and master professional beats sound. This is really a great way to focus on the technical and engineering aspect of music. Listen to the way the snares are panned, listen to the way how the kicks are relating to the other instruments, listen to the cueing, how bright certain elements are and how much sonic space they are giving.
Try something different
When you are out there, try something different. Fans are fickle and ANR’s are even worse. Often times artists themselves will ask you for a type of beat that they could hear on top ten radio right now. If you are not developing your own unique sound, well developing a sound that or well delivering a sound that people respond to and connect with than you are not carving out a space for yourself in the music industry.
Build your catalog
Build your catalog of beats. There are lots of talented producers out there with numerous good beats in their arsenal but chances are only a small portion of these beats will go anywhere. Every beat you make is a chance, so if you want to keep making beats, gaining more experience and refining and developing your sound you increase your chances of flourishing
Collaborate and earn
Collaborate with all other new producers and musicians. Creative exchanges with likeminded people enhances your product and leads to valuable learning experiences. It challenges you to adapt to other styles and other sense of musicalities as well.
Final Words
Here you have it, some tips and facts about beat making. Read these tips carefully and you will get the hang of the things that you need to keep in mind while making beats of your own.