America is in the midst of a contentious presidential election and tensions are high. Voters are talking about some very big issues, like economic equality, LGBTQ rights, gun reform, and whether or not Hillary Clinton is coughing. A real leader takes moments like these to bring people together and inspire them. But not our last great Republican leader. Instead, former President George W. Bush is releasing a book of paintings he’s done in the years since flying away from the White House in a helicopter. Because a collection of paintings from Bush is exactly what Americans need right now.
The book is a collection of 66 portraits of men and women who have served in the military, and all proceeds from Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors will go to a non-profit organization, run by the Bush foundation. Which is good to know because I am definitely buying a few of these as gag gifts, and it will be nice to know it’s not just throwing cash away on some shitty paintings. When it comes out in February, the book will be $35, but there’s a pre-order price of $30. Get ‘em while you can, people.

Source: The Telegraph
The book is described by the president’s foundation as a “meticulously produced hardcover volume… accompanied by the inspiring story of the veteran depicted, written by the President.” There’s also forward notes by former First Lady Laura Bush and General Peter Pace, 16th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
George W. Bush Will Finally Release A Painting Book
— chaps (@UncleChaps) September 14, 2016
It’s great Bush is celebrating the vets who have served since 9/11, since he did, along with his staff of course, send American men and women into Iraq for pretty much no fucking reason. If the vets weren’t killed in action or too disturbed by PTSD, Bush, as commander-in-chief, sent troops out on multiple tours with little time in between, shuffling them the desert in Iraq and then the mountains of Afghanistan. The proceeds are all going to George W. Bush Presidential Center, “a non-profit organization whose Military Service Initiative is focused on helping post-9/11 veterans and their families make a successful transition to civilian life and on addressing issues of veteran wellness including post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury,” according to the website.
Just think: if we didn’t invade Iraq with no plan all those years ago, Bush wouldn’t even have subjects for his painting collection. I’m sure all the men and women in the military and their families appreciate that.
Original by: Karen Fratti