Luxury escorts can make quite a lot of money in their line of work. But what not many people know is that a high end escort, when working with an agency, doesn’t necessarily set her own prices. They have people specially trained for that, that know how much each service is worth and much they can charge someone.
How Does a High End Escort Set Her Prices?
Being an escort is a job just like any other. And because it is a job, the people that have need to make money, just like anywhere else. People pay escorts in order for them to do various services for them. and each service has its own price. Some may think that these are immoral, but as long as there are people willing to pay, there will be escorts willing to work for that money. But how exactly do escorts come up with those prices?
Well, a high end escort doesn’t exactly “come up” with a price herself. Usually, because they work with an agency, like there are a lot of people involved in setting the prices for each service. You should think of it something like an artist charging for a performance. The better known the artist, the higher the price. Also, the longer the performance, or the more variety you want in it, the more you’ll have to pay. Also, just like with any artist, if you want an exclusive performance, you’ll have to pay for it.
Also, being a high end escort isn’t cheap. You have a lot of things to buy in order to maintain a certain standard. Sure, the agency you work with buys most of them for you, but you have to take care of yourself as well. For instance, if you want a certain type of hair extensions or make-up, you’ll have to buy it yourself. Also, if you want to get tattoos or other body modifications, that the agency can’t or won’t pay for, you’ll have to pay for them yourself. There are also a lot of other expenses that you’ll have to cover yourself, even if you have a contract with an agency.
How Much Can a High End Escort Earn?
This isn’t a very easy question to answer. It basically depends on how much work the escort is willing to do. Naturally, you can’t work yourself to death. And because their status isn’t a regular one, they have to take much more care of themselves. Also, the more clients they have, the higher they are ranked, and the more selective they can become. So as long as they keep their status, or improve it, they can make quite a lot of money.
But keep in mind that a high end escort does not keep all the money that she makes. Sure, they can make quite a pretty penny, but they have to split it with the agency. That’s because it is the agency that puts in a lot of hard work in order to promote them. also, the agency pays for a lot of other things as well. For instance, some agencies pay for private transportation on call for their escorts. They also make sure that their health is always pristine and that they are taking care of themselves. some agencies even hire psychologists to talk with the escorts in order to make them feel safe and put their minds at ease if they feel troubled.
But What If They Are Independent?
Well, that changes things a bit. Independent escorts can earn a lot of money as well. but it takes them more time in order to get there. they have to do all their promoting themselves and also they have to manage their clients on their own. Sure, they can make a lot of money, eventually. But the advantages of working with an agency are far better.
Can Luxury Escorts Make Money Any Other Way?
Just because they are escorts doesn’t mean that they can’t have other jobs or gigs on the side. That is as long as their agency doesn’t suffer. Luxury escorts, for instance, can be hired by clubs, hotels or even other venues in order to promote various events. They can be hired to pose as fake clients or hostesses in order to draw people in and make them feel good. Also, they are very frequently hired in order to pose for various brands such as clothes, cars, perfumes, accessories etc.
Many luxury escorts also have endorsement contracts. Because many of them are very active on social media, promoting their and their agency’s services, they also get a lot of offers. For instance, you can pay escorts to promote your channel on various social media channels. A lot of girls, when first starting out on OnlyFans, or simply wanting to become influencers on Instagram or TikTok, they simply get in touch with various escorts that already have a good following going on and pay them to promote their pages or profiles.
Can Luxury Escorts Get into Trouble by Doing Side Jobs?
Well, this is a tricky question to answer. Mainly because it really depends on the kind of side job that the luxury escorts have. For instance, they may get into trouble if they promote the services of a “rival” agency. That can really bring some damage to their own agency. That’s why, when they sign with and agency, there are some clear and strict rules that they need to be aware of.
Technically, luxury models can do anything they want on the side, as long as they do not use the image of their clients or their agency in a negative way. They can even give interviews about their jobs as long as they do not divulge sensitive information that may affect those that they work for. But escorts, for all their fame, generally like to keep to themselves. This way they enhance their aura of mystery and make them even more desired by clients.
But Can They Retire with The Money They Make?
Escorting isn’t really a thing you retire from. It isn’t something like the Mafia. It’s just that escorts usually, when they stop working as escorts, find other jobs in the industry. Sure, some retire, and they certainly can do it if they want to. But many continue working in the business, becoming managers or opening their own agencies.