The main motivation behind the wish of the lenders to give you money is to earn money by doing it. If you have a savings account, then you will get a low-interest rate, but the lender will use that money to give it to the borrowers and increase their interest rate significantly. That is the method that banks usually use. They will increase the interest rates for loans and credit cards and this is the area where the money flow will increase.
Even though this may sound harsh to you, it is basically the only way how the banks and other lenders can earn money and finance all the necessary expenses, such as covering bills and giving salaries. It is the whole machinery behind it, it is not just what we see. We tend to just focus on one person who is asking for the loan, but banks see hundreds of people in similar situations day by day which adds up to thousands yearly.
This is not something that can be done without profit. Everything has its own cost, so if you wish to buy a home, you will get the money you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise, but pay a certain percentage in exchange for that. People take loans to start a business, cover expenses, or invest in a good car. Either way, it is a great sense of relief to know that you can take a large sum of money and then give it back part by part. It can truly make life easier for the individual or the whole family. In order to help you get fully familiar with this subject, we will go deeper so you can fully understand how everything works.
YSP (Yield Spread Premium)
If you have ever taken a loan, you probably heard about this term. Explained in plain words, it is a compensation that the broker gets for selling the interest rate to the person who is taking the loan. It is usually used for covering the costs related to the loan in question. It is basically the difference between the amounts you will be charged and the amount they will need to replace the money. So, for example, if the lender gives you a lending rate 3,5%, and the loan interest rate is 4%, then they will keep the 0,5%. This percentage varies and is depends on the lender you are interested in, but it is important to understand the mechanism behind it. If you wish to find out more about how that works, click here
(MBS) Mortgage-Backed Securities
This is a form of an investment that has certain similarities with the bonds. It is comprised of the home loans that the lenders buy from the banks which issued them in the first place. This is why the investors will get the regular payments. When it comes to MBS, the bank is actually the middleman between the investment industry and the homebuyer. The investor in this case lends the money to the home buyer which gets the necessary money, while the investor gets one portion of the profit. It is important to say that the Mortgage-Backed Security can be bought and sold with the help of a broker.
There is also the question of the minimum investment, but that is not fixed. It depends on the issuer. The process works flawlessly while everyone is doing what they are supposed to do. If the mortgage is paid in time by the homeowner, the credit rating agency will also do their part of the job. The rule concerning MBS is that it should be issued by the GSE (government-sponsored enterprise), but it can also be issued by a private financial company.
Loan Servicing
This refers to the aspect connected to the administration that the borrower will be notified about regularly until the loan is fully paid off. That means that the borrower will get monthly payment statements, taking monthly payments, but also maintaining the full record of all the payments and balances. The borrower may also get the notification concerning the taxes and the insurance. This part was the main responsibility of the banks because they were the ones in charge of giving the loan, so it was logical that they will handle the loan servicing.
However, once the mortgage and loans started being repackaged into securities, this part of the process became less profitable. Nowadays, the overall expectations and habits are changing. With the development of technology, the industry became highly dependent on it. Nothing can be done without good programs anymore. All the data are integrated enabling the banks to get the information fast and provide the necessary loan in the shortest period possible.
When buying a property, this is the type of loan that people must choose to be able to obtain it. Usually, the borrower must give a deposit – the amount will vary. That mortgage will enable you to get the rest of the money from the lender. Considering that the amount of money taken cannot be returned right away, people need years to pay it off. The average period is 25 years, but depending on the various factors, that period can be longer or even shorter. This is the only way for many families to get the dream home and achieve their goal.
We hope we managed to help you understand the mechanism behind lending money better. Of course, there are some more complex details that we didn’t mention here, but the essence of it is that in order to get the money you need for something, you need to commit to a certain payment plan that will bring some profit to the lender. When it comes to choosing a lender, it is necessary to do your research and find out more about the interest rates, how long the payment period will be, and everything else you are interested in so you can be fully satisfied with the outcome.