If you think about it closely, designer bags are the items that keep most luxurious brands alive, and in a way, they are the ultimate accessory that you can get for yourself. Now, they do come with a high price tag, which is why you should think about them as an investment – especially since you can sell them for higher prices after a few years.
However, if you decided to purchase a luxury bag, you might be confused and overwhelmed by the number of options you can choose from. And, if you found yourself in this situation, do not worry, this article can help you. The text below is going to feature a list of things that you should consider and do before purchasing a luxury bag. Let’s take a closer look at the list:
- 1. First Things First: Research!
- 2. How Versatile And Functional is it?
- 3. The Material, Colors, Size, And Silhouette
- 4. Where to Purchase it?
- 5. Maintenance is The Key to Longevity
- 6. The Price
- 7. What Will You Use it For?
- 8. Is it Heavy or Light?
- 9. Think About Getting a Limited Edition Bag
- 10. Go on Forums And Ask For Feedback
1. First Things First: Research!
There is a wide range of things that you need to consider before you actually choose the bag. For starters, you should determine what brand you want to get. This is why it is important to do some digging online, check out websites, reviews, ask any questions that you have, as well as learn what is out there. After all, the bag will be expensive, hence, research them properly.
2. How Versatile And Functional is it?
When you are looking at several options, you should opt for something that is versatile. For instance, you can choose one that has a detachable strap. Hence, you’ll be able to wear it in several ways and you’ll definitely be able to wear it more. Additionally, you should think about what you’ll use it for. Hence, think about whether you’ll wear it to work only – which will require it to be bigger – or whether you are looking for something for special events only.
3. The Material, Colors, Size, And Silhouette
There are literally thousands of trend-driven bags that you can choose from, however, if this is your first time purchasing a luxurious, designer handbag, you might want to go for something that is larger and that has a neutral color. This means that you can wear it on more occasions and you’ll be able to sell it one day for a better price.
4. Where to Purchase it?
It is quite important to know where your bag will be coming from, which is why you should purchase it from the brand’s authentic online shop or brick-and-mortar business. However, if you do choose to buy it from an affiliate company, you should always check the authenticity of the handbag. If you want to see some tips for checking the authenticity of the bags, check out ivbagaholic.com.
5. Maintenance is The Key to Longevity
Just because you’ll have a high-quality bag, this does not mean that you should not maintain it properly. Hence, when you are looking for a bag, also look for a good leather protector. Additionally, you must store the bag properly, in either the original box or a pillowcase that is made from cotton – especially since this will keep it from direct sunlight which can cause discoloration. Also, if you’ll be carrying makeup or other items that contain liquid, you should place it in a zip-lock bag, and then in your purse.
6. The Price
As mentioned several times in the article, luxurious, designer bags are extremely expensive, which means that you should figure out exactly how much money do you want to spend on it. If you are looking for something classic, you should save more than 2.000 dollars. And, if you are looking for a Chanel or Gucci bag, prepare to pay even more. This is why it is important to do some digging, as well as compare the prices.
7. What Will You Use it For?
Besides its functionality, you’ll also need to determine what you’ll be using it for. For example, if you are purchasing a bag for work, it needs to be larger, however, if you’ll not be carrying it every day, do you really need one that is bigger? Now, you should not think about the “what if’s”, especially since there are solutions for these things. For instance, if you want to carry your laptop with you, do not place it in your bag. Carry a separate laptop bag.
8. Is it Heavy or Light?
Yup, this is yet another thing that you should consider, especially since it can affect your choice. Although it is often cheaper to order it online, you must go to the store first and feel the materials, as well as learn how heavy the bag is. Some designer handbags will be quite heavy, hence, if you are someone who always packs a bunch of stuff, maybe it is not the best choice for you. Once you feel how it is, then you can go back home, and order it online.
9. Think About Getting a Limited Edition Bag
If you want to purchase a designer handbag, you should think about getting one that is from a special collection or limited edition. If you do this, you can ensure that it retains its value over the course of several years. Hence, once you get bored of carrying around the same bag, you can sell it for the same or higher price.
10. Go on Forums And Ask For Feedback
Once you have narrowed down your list of handbags, the final step is to visit some forums and ask people about their experiences with a particular bag. This can help you get the real picture, as well as make your list of handbags even shorter – so, do not forget to do this.
By following the tips mentioned in the article above, you’ll be able to make the entire process of choosing and purchasing a designer handbag easier, less time-consuming, as well as less overwhelming for you. Hence, now that you know what you should consider, do not waste any more time. Instead, start browsing online and brick-and-mortar businesses in order to find a bag that will fit your needs and lifestyle.