With the ongoing pandemic, we got the instructions of social distancing, which can take a toll on any individual, and you and I are no different. Many things in our lives changed due to coronavirus influence, and some of you probably have issues to cope with the situation at hand. All kinds of pressure are coming down on us, including financial ones, health ones, and in the end – existential ones. If you can’t figure things out on your own, here is our view on how to regulate your psychological state during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do not allow for this isolation to take the best of you, but with our help, look to make the best out of what all of us have to deal at the moment.
Make Connections
What coronavirus brought to all of us is the endless days inside our homes. But, this doesn’t mean you need to avoid others in all forms of communication and connection. Avoiding social contact is not recommended, and COVID- 19 quarantine doesn’t require this type of isolation. Thanks to massive technological advancement that happened during the last decade it’s easier to stay in contact than ever before. E-mails, text messages, Viber, What’s Up, phone calls, and FaceTime are all viable options. If you now work from home and have issues adapting, talk to your colleagues about their experience and the ways of coping with the ongoing situation. Even while being trapped inside your house, you can escape it virtually, and this is a chance that needs to be taken.

Source: pbs
Focus on Positive Thoughts
It’s hard to believe that anyone finds their times enjoyable during these challenging times but falling into despair is not something you should allow yourself. There is always a light at the end of a tunnel, and you should focus on that and not on all the negatives surrounding you. BY focusing on the positive things, you can make your time in isolation brighter. The best place to start is to give thanks to all of the things you’re grateful for in your life. Hope is what’s going to push us through these hardships, and we need to do our best to remain strong and deal with incoming issues while being aware that their size is amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do Not Trust The Media
Today, everything is media. For example, you can’t take your smartphone without finding out what’s happening at the moment. The news about the ongoing pandemic is all over the place. While you need to have an insight into what’s going on, there’s no reason to get involved in all the news stories being published. Social media are all fun and games until you realize there’s too many false stories circling the web. It would be best if you staved off on rumors, as they can bring you anxiety and downgrade your wellbeing. Everyone needs to know the primary issues we’re facing and what’s going on in your community, but staying far away from exaggerations is half the health. There are reliable sources out there, and you should read and listen to what the CDC and the WHO are saying.

Source: kantar
Be Busy
Once in quarantine, every day is going to look and feel the same. You need to avoid the repetitiveness and beware of procrastination. If you fell into the well of despair of days that repeat themselves, you are in danger of anxiety and depression. This is why you need to be and remain busy. Play games, workout, read books, talk to friends and family, get a hobby, or start a project. There are millions of things you can do for yourself and your mental health during these harsh times. What you need to look for are positive developments, which shouldn’t be too hard with a bit of effort.
It would be best if you got enough sleep. We can’t stress enough how important this is. Due to the entire situation, you can get overwhelmed with all the negative that’s happening, and this could affect your sleep routine. It would help if you did not let this happen. Do things as you always have, and get to bed and get out of it at the same time. Program yourself so that you are like a robot regarding your sleep. When you stay at home, it is easy to start watching too much TV or playing games for too long, which can reduce your sleep hours. Do everything in your power to get enough sleep, as this is essential for the mental wellbeing of every individual.

Source: thecurrent.org
Avoid Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol
This is essential not only for your physical but also for your mental health. Consuming some of these substances puts you at a higher risk of coronavirus. Having a lung disease during this pandemic can even have fatal consequences. Many people start using alcohol once they drop their guard and start feeling bad over the entire situation, but this is never a smart move. It can only make things worse and cause additional troubles. The only drugs you can take are those recommended by your doctors or respected sources such as realchems.com that researched their products. All in all, you need to be careful with the substances you intake, ass once the pandemic is over, you do not want to be fighting an addiction.
Relax and Recharge
Please do yourself a favor and use some of the available time and spend it on yourself. What you need is a daily dose of refreshment that will help you recharge. The best route to take is a meditation that will help you keep your mind quiet and at peace, even for a couple of minutes a day. Furthermore, you can start practicing some of the available options, such as tai chi, yoga, or deep breathing. It doesn’t have to be anything exotic, sometimes listening to music, taking a warm bath, or reading a book can help too. You know yourself the best, so decide which one of these things will help you more.