The only proper place to store cigars is in the humidor. It can be a wooden box, a cabinet or even a room (walk-in humidor) that will provide the conditions necessary for the proper storage of cigars:
- adequate humidity – between 65-70%
- appropriate temperature – between 16-20oC
- controlled fresh air supply
Remember that a cigar is a plant-derived product and is extremely sensitive to any sudden changes in the environment.
A humidifier equipped with a hygrometer and humidifier will give you control over the conditions inside. Humidrometers are divided into traditional analogue and digital electronic ones (usually in combination with a thermometer). Traditional ones are nicer, but electronic ones are more practical and probably more accurate.

Source: SecurCare Self Storage
Like any other device, the hygrometer should also be calibrated. To do this you can use a small cup of kitchen salt, which should be moistened with a small amount (a teaspoon) of demineralised water (only one used for humidifying) and placed together with the hygrometer (so that it does not come into direct contact with salt) in a plastic bag or container for about 7 hours. After this time, the hygrometer should indicate 75% humidity. If this is not the case, you can adjust it or remember to correct its indications.
We use mainly demineralised water for the humidifier. Ready-made solutions of propylene glycol with water are also available, which ensure proper humidity in the humidor. A solution of 50% of these two components protects cigars from mould, fungus and pests while maintaining 70% humidity. Distilled water can also be mixed (25%) with spirit, which also prevents the growth of fungi and mould. Another moisturizing element used is polymer crystals contained in the moisturizer. Our offer includes foam and polymeric humidifiers. Check our offer
It is definitely not recommended to keep cigars in the fridge – as the experts from point out. Contrary to popular belief, the air in the fridge is dry and often contains smells that will not favorably affect the taste of cigars. In addition, the low temperature in the fridge is not conducive to the maturation of cigars. This device is useful only in one moment – when you need to save cigars after being attacked by pests.
Manufacture of humidors

Source: Cigar Star
Humidors are usually produced using cedar wood (Spanish cedar), the intense aroma of which emphasises the qualities of cigars as they mature. It is important not to keep flavoured cigars and regular cigars together, as this can result in a completely unintended mixture of flavours. As a curiosity, you can give examples of various experiments raising and changing the taste of cigars.
In addition to the Spanish cedar, the Canadian cedar is also used to make humidors (some people say it is more aromatic and better at handling worms and humidity). It is more commonly used in the production of humidors for cupboards. You can also find humidors made of Honduran mahogany and other exotic trees (rosewood, padauk, babinga, bocobolo), which have their own characteristic smell. Wax walnut (black), cherry and maple are also used.
Selecting Your Humidor
If you are a big fan of cigars, you are going to need a good humidor. Investing in one is not an easy task, nor should it be taken lightly. If you want a good one, you need to pay for it. There are cheap ones, but you’ll want only the best for your goods. Don’t look for it to be pretty; its job is to keep cigars humid. It would be best if you didn’t look further than its primary function. Cigars are an investment, and the same way wine lovers preserve their wine, you need to look after your cigars.

Source: Luxury Safes
When choosing the right one, the first thing that should cross your mind is the size. Always aim to buy more than you need, as you never know if you’re going to need more space. If you have less space, well, that’s an issue. Not all humidors are built the same, nor they have similar performances. Think of it as if you were buying a car. When you select one, be sure its seams are perfect and corner square. These are basics. What follows are the lid and the rim. The lid should be able to close your humidor tightly. You want air out and humidity in, but all in needed quantities. Without a proper lid and rim, this function is obsolete.
When it comes to the lid, you’ll want it to be heavy. It is the lid that keeps it shut all the time. This is vital even if you have a lock. But, having a too heavy top can be an issue. What you want out of your humidor is balance. Have it balanced to avoid flipping or falling over. You want it functional above all else. The mentioned lock isn’t a bad idea at all. It all depends on the value of the cigars you are having in your storage. Having everything under a lock should make you feel safe, especially if you have a valuable collection intended only for yourself and your closest ones.
The building itself is also an essential factor. You want it to be made out of nonaromatic cedar. The one that would do the trick is the Spanish cedar. Most humidors are made out of cedar trees as they’re adept at controlling the moisture without releasing any of its natural smells onto a cigar. It is because of this that they’re able to help the cigar achieve age and maturity.

Source: Bespoke Unit
While now you believe that finding the right humidor is a challenging task, it really isn’t. All you need to do is to know where to look. There are many quality manufacturers out there, and you shouldn’t have too many issues finding the right one. If you allow us, we can direct you towards, a fantastic article on the top seven humidors on the market for 2024. Please take a look at them; maybe your perfect choice awaits you there.