Do you wonder where this article can take you? Let’s go on a sunny journey through a plethora of innovations in the solar industry – a possible turning point in your life. The solar industry constantly evolves, and discoveries never stop coming. Solar innovations are so many that people get lost in a messy pile of novelties. Fortunately, solar panel companies like Texas Solar Group keep the readers of their blogs updated with news articles. You may click here to see those. Such articles make us acknowledge that hairy and floating solar panels await us. These two are just a few to list. Continue reading to see what the sunny industry warmed up for you.

Source: Unsealed 4X4
Cosmos Talks: Space-Based Solar Power
Comes out that solar power on Earth is deficient and may not sustain the world in the future. The thing is that the sun’s lifetime is estimated to be a maximum of 5 billion years. It means that at some point in history, the energy of the sun will deplete. Besides, solely one part of the sun’s output is accessible to Earth, which is a bottleneck in the process of power generation. To guarantee long-lasting and abundant solar power generation, space intervenes. How is space intervention possible? Wireless transmission of sunlight from space to Earth is the framework of the novelty. For you to picture out the process, let’s put it this way – Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) is a concept that represents the collection of energy from space’s sunlight for the purpose of sending it wirelessly to Earth. Before these days, space was a dark spot for people on Earth. Now, it is a resource to expand the solar industry.
Why is particularly space used as a resource for additional solar power generation? Space solar power is the largest source of energy equal to all other available sources combined. See – the best alternative to keep solar energy thriving. Of course, it has all the advantages of solar energy. However, an outstanding benefit of space solar power is its capability to solve all the problems connected with the contamination of CO2 emissions and clean energy consumption. It has the potential to provide electricity to everyone on Earth, no matter an individual’s purpose to use the power. What you’d love about this innovation in the solar industry is its potential to charge any type of vehicle – even plug-in hybrids. The amount of the sun’s energy from space is efficient to forget about energy problems. It is the time to enter into the world of a clean environment and endless electricity.

Source: The Motley Fool
Beyond Imagination: Hairy Solar Panels
These photovoltaic (PV) panels aren’t a joke for us. Even though the name of new solar panels is not promising, their potential is massive. Nanotechnology – a field of research that creates materials and builds devices on a molecular and atomic level in a renewable manner – came up with hairy solar panels. These panels work through light-absorbing nanowires along with carbon-nanotube fabric. Light-absorbing nanowires are capable of absorbing a larger amount of energy than usual silicons do. A larger amount of energy paves the way to considerably more efficient energy generation. So, what do we get with these PV panels? A funny terminology that is a real mood-booster and plenty of efficient energy.

Forget About Space Issues With Floating Solar Panels
In many cases, space is an issue during solar panel installation. Especially when it comes to the installation of a solar mount system either on the roof or ground, small spaces are bottlenecks of the process. That is why solar panel companies and renewable energy entrepreneurs look for alternatives to maintain the ecological essence of technology and eliminate the spatial issue. As a result, one of such alternatives called floating solar panels got invented. What is unique about these? Floating PV panels can be installed on water bodies like lakes, tailing ponds, irrigation, large reservoirs. That is, apart from roof and ground installations, additional space will be available for PV systems. Oh, how will these floating solar panels operate on a water body? To keep the system above the water body buoyant structure will be constructed. These will take care of the smooth operation of a PV panel system. The fact that a system will operate installed on a water body won’t change a thing – efficient and inexhaustible energy of the sun will be generated.

Source: browningelectrickc
Highway Noise Is In The Past With PV Solar Noise Barriers
I don’t know anyone who loves the distracting noise of highway traffic. People complain about being at home and getting distracted from rest or work because of that irritating noise. Today, PV solar noise barriers provide a solution to efficient noise abatement. What is their specialty? Photovoltaic solar noise barriers hit two goals with one shot – they combine noise abatement and solar energy generation. Imagine sitting at home, watching a TV without any outside distractions, and generating energy to consume upon demand. I mean, this sounds like a paradise.

Final Note
Innovations in the solar industry brighten up 2024. First, space-based solar power has a considerable potential to extend the lifetime of the solar industry and make Earth strive on the energy of the sun beyond 5 billion years – forever. With space-based solar power, the environment gets cleaned from CO2 emissions, and we get full accessibility to every type of vehicle only powered by clean energy. Second, hairy solar panels aim at increasing energy efficiency as nanotechnologies. Even though the name sounds ridiculous, but the potential of hairy PV panels is an outstanding phenomenon. Third, a floating solar panel is a possibility now. We can finally forget about spatial issues during solar panel installation. Additional space – water bodies are accessible to use for the process of the panel installation. Fourth, PV solar noise barriers are a dream come true for those who struggle from abating the outside noise. These new noise barriers combine energy generation and noise abatement to better your life. If you dream about working at home in quiet or enjoying your alone time without outside distractions, then hurry to learn more about photovoltaic solar noise barriers. As we can see, innovation comes with solar in 2024.
Go solar to enjoy the perks of the solar industry!