Have you ever met a guy who seemed too good to be true? However, he never seems to call, text, or show any interest in you at all. He can’t seem to make up his mind between liking you and not wanting to do anything serious with you. You’re left wondering if he’s really interested or just playing games with you.
If this sounds like the type of man that has captured your heart, then you better get ready for some tough love. Fortunately, there are ways of making an emotionally unavailable man fall for you, but it won’t happen overnight.
Here are 13 things you can do to make an emotionally unavailable guy fall in love with you.
- 1. Understand What An Emotionally Unavailable Guy Is Looking For
- 2. Let Him Know That He Can Put His Trust In You
- Â 3. Don’t Play Games
- 4. Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Him
- 5. Give Him Space, But Make Sure You’re Still In His Life
- 6. Be Understanding If He Pulls Away
- 7. Don’t Be Afraid Of Being Serious When Necessary
- 8. Keep Things Light And Fun When He Is Around
- 9. Stop Trying So Hard
- 10. Don’t Take It Personally
- 11. Let Him Know That You Want A Future With Him
- 12. Focus On Yourself And Your Own Needs
Emotionally unavailable men are looking for a real connection. They don’t want to be in a relationship where their partner will just use them or take advantage of their kindness and generosity. In this situation, they will have no motivation to commit themselves emotionally.
In order words, they need someone who’s willing to at least meet them halfway. It’s also important that you don’t come across as too needy or desperate to them. This will only push the man away and make him less likely to want to get involved with you in any way, shape, or form.
You can check Power Couples Education for a one-stop solution for all your relationship needs. They offer online courses and counseling to help you understand how to make an emotionally unavailable man fall for you.
2. Let Him Know That He Can Put His Trust In You

Source: coaching-online.org
If you’re able to show the man that he can put his trust in you, then you’re heading in the right direction of making him fall in love with you. Emotionally unavailable men are often very guarded since they may have been hurt in the past. They need someone they can rely on, so be that person for them.
Be supportive of his dreams and goals, and be there for him when he needs you. Let him know that you’re someone he can count on, no matter what. If you can show the man that you’re a valuable and trustworthy person, then he’ll eventually open up to you emotionally. It may not happen overnight, but with patience and perseverance, it will happen.
 3. Don’t Play Games
Often, a guy who seems emotionally distant is just waiting for his woman to show him that she’s genuinely into him. He may not want to chase after you or play mind games with you. If you want to make an emotionally unavailable man fall for you, then you must show him from the beginning that your feelings are real.
4. Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Him
Some people try so hard to make their partners the way they picture them in their heads. In other words, they want their man to be able to give them everything they want and need. When you set your standards too high, a guy can’t make you happy even if he’s the nicest person in the world!
If this sounds like something that has happened in your life, it might help to take a step back and reassess your expectations. It’s important to remember that not every man out there will be able to meet all of your needs.
When dating an emotionally unavailable guy, don’t put any strain on them. As much as you want this guy to fall in love with you, it is crucial not to pressure him. Don’t push him to commit or expect too much from him.
These types of men can get overwhelmed easily and will most likely run in the other direction if you do this. Take things slow and let the relationship grow at its own pace.
5. Give Him Space, But Make Sure You’re Still In His Life

Source: relrules.com
It might seem counterintuitive, but giving emotionally unavailable men some space is a good way to make them fall in love with you. It’s important to remember that these guys may not be looking for the love of their lives at the moment – they’re just trying to have fun and experience new things without being tied down emotionally.
If this sounds like your guy, then you need to make sure to give him just enough space. This could mean being a friend, staying in touch with him online, or making yourself available when he wants to talk about something. Making an emotionally unavailable man fall for you is all about patience and understanding. If you can show him that you care and that you’re someone worth committing to, then there’s a good chance he’ll eventually come around.
6. Be Understanding If He Pulls Away
If your emotionally unavailable man starts to pull away, you mustn’t freak out. The truth is, there are plenty of men who enjoy the chase-but once they feel like they’ve won their woman over, they no longer have any desire to keep her around for themselves. Don’t come across as too needy or clingy, and be understanding if he’s not always available. If you can do this, then there’s a good chance that he’ll eventually come around and want to start a real relationship with you.
7. Don’t Be Afraid Of Being Serious When Necessary
One of the biggest things that set emotionally unavailable men apart from the rest is their fear of commitment. However, this doesn’t mean they don’t want a serious relationship. It just means that they need someone willing to work with them and understand where they’re coming from.
If you want to make an emotionally unavailable man fall for you, then you must let him know that you are willing to take things slow and will wait for him to open up to you. Don’t push him into anything he’s not ready for, and be understanding if he needs some time to himself.
8. Keep Things Light And Fun When He Is Around

Source: vixendaily.com
If you want to make a relationship work, you mustn’t do anything that could complicate it. When he is around and available, be sure to keep things light and fun so that both of you can enjoy yourselves without any pressure or expectations. This will give him the impression that you’re a great person to hang around. In that way, he can be comfortable with you and you’ll have a chance to make him open up to you.
9. Stop Trying So Hard
It can be tempting to do everything in your power to make the man you like notice you. However, this type of behavior can have the opposite effect. Guys who are emotionally unavailable are often turned off by women who come on too strong.
As cliché as it may sound, show him the real you. Act as you would with any other people, you may show him your good sides and your bad. Acting as a different person would just set his expectations high or turn him off. Let him decide if he can handle the real you.
10. Don’t Take It Personally
Some emotionally unavailable men aren’t ready for a serious relationship. This doesn’t mean that you’re not good enough or that there’s anything wrong with you it just means that this isn’t what they’re looking for right now. Don’t take it personally if he doesn’t want to get too involved. Just because things don’t work out with this guy doesn’t mean that you won’t find someone right for you in the future.
11. Let Him Know That You Want A Future With Him

Source: womansday.com
Don’t be afraid of making yourself vulnerable and sharing what’s in your heart. An emotionally unavailable guy will respect the fact that you’re willing to put yourself out there even if he does not feel the same way about you. It might seem scary, but letting an emotionally unavailable man know that you’re looking for a serious relationship is the best way to go about things.
He must know where you stand so that there will be no surprises along the line. Furthermore, if he feels the same way you do, this will give him all of the motivation he needs to act on it.
12. Focus On Yourself And Your Own Needs
Finally, don’t depend on him for your needs and happiness, focus on having that yourself. If a guy starts falling in love with you, he’ll eventually look for things about himself that he can change to make his woman happy.
When it comes down to it, making an emotionally unavailable man fall in love with you is all about understanding what makes him tick and not pushing too hard when he’s pulling away from the relationship. If you can show this specific type of guy that your feelings are genuine and that you’re worth committing to, then he’ll come around in no time.
Making an emotionally unavailable man fall for you takes time, patience, and understanding. If you can show him that you’re someone worth committing to, then there’s a good chance he’ll eventually come around. However, don’t take it personally if things don’t work out. There is plenty of other fish in the sea!