How are your emotional levels? Have you already drained your tear ducts today or is there more to wring out? If the answer is yes, there is indeed more to wring out, then the internet is always waiting with all of its emotionally manipulative power to get your tears flowing. Today’s communal nugget of sweet sadness is the secret note a man left for his wife that was discovered by his son, Mason, months after his death.
The note was discovered in an old workbench Mason’s dad had built for his mother because she was always a fan of metal engraving (already slightly in love with these two). The fact that his dad built his mom a bench is already some Notebook–level love story shit, and that’s before you add in the fact that he engraved a love note, secretly, at some point before he died of an artery rupture on February 26.
Seriously, it takes a special combination of being morbid, realistic, romantic, and sentimental to write a goodbye note to your partner when you don’t have a terminal illness. I just imagine their marriage was full of small, sweet gestures; the real kind of everyday love that sustains through the years. Just imagining that by itself almost brings me to tears in a way that can only happen when you’re unilaterally inventing a wholly idealized, unattainably flawless narrative around a couple you don’t know at all. *Sniff*
The note reads:
“I love you Becca. Whatever day this is, I hope it’s a good one. God truly answered my prayers the day he gave me you. I know that these days are the best I’ll ever have, and I’m glad you’re in them. I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this, but if you do, just know that I love you very much. If there is one thing want in life, it is to be as good to you as you are to me. If I can do that, I’ll be the happiest man alive. I love you beautiful wife.”
He says his one wish in life was to be as good to his wife Becca as she was to him, and I’m pretty sure the existence of a workbench he built for her that conceals a hidden love note is concrete proof that he lived his wish.
Now that we’ve all let our eyes glisten and thought briefly about mortality and the importance of forming real human bonds during our short stint on earth, I urge you to go call everyone in your life and remind them you love them because, fuckkkk death is coming for us all and we waste a shit-ton of time calling each other names on the internet.
Original by Bronwyn Isaac