If you have a loved one that is in need of help for their addiction, you’re in the right place. It’s important to know that you are not alone in this fight. You want to be there for that loved one in your life that is struggling.
One of the methods of treatment for addiction is Medication-Assisted Treatment (or MATs). If you are considering options for your loved one, Gallus Detox can help. You can find out more information on their website here:Â https://www.gallusdetox.com/locations/texas/san-antonio-detox-center/
The sooner you help your loved one get the treatment they need, the better. Let’s discuss more about MATs and how they can be helpful for someone dealing with an addiction.
What is Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)?
Medication assisted treatment or MAT is a type of treatment that is used for those battling addiction. One of the common methods of detox for opioids is using certain medications that will help them rid their body of the withdrawals from heroin, oxycodone, and others.
Source: matcareclinics.comWhat kind of medications are used during an MAT?
There are three kinds of medications that are used for treating opioid addiction. These include the following:
- Methadone: This is a common medication that has long since been used for addiction treatment. It is designed to reduce the occurrences of withdrawals that can happen in detox patients.
- Buprenorphone: Like methadone, it’s designed to reduce the occurrence of withdrawals. This can be a better option for those who are undergoing short-term treatment for beating their opioid addiction. In fact, this drug can be used for weeks or even months until they are no longer needed. This one is easily accessible as it is available in most health care facilities.
- Naltrexone: This is medication that is not only treatment for opioid addiction, but it’s also given to those who are getting over their addiction to alcohol. Thus, it is considered one of the universal prescriptions.
How long do MAT treatments last?
It will depend on several factors. For one, it can depend on the medication that is being used. Another will be the severity of the addiction you are dealing with.
On average, you can expect an MAT treatment to last a year. Usually, the dosage of the medication you are using will decrease at around 90 days after the start of treatment. Or it can be done at the discretion of a healthcare professional.
Those who are using buprenorphine can be using it for weeks to even more than a year. It depends on the treatment plan and how often it’s needed. For those who are using naltrexone, this can be a therapeutic method that can last weeks.
Regardless, the dosage amount can decrease overtime until there is no need for the medication to be used. This is why it is important a loved one must consider their options when they are looking to be treated for their addiction.
One prescription treatment can last months or even years while another can last weeks. This can depend on their personal needs, the severity of their addiction, and how much time they need for their treatment program to be completed.
You also want to make yourself aware of any side effects that may occur when your loved one is undergoing MAT treatment. This will help you understand what is part of the process and what to expect. Again, this is the kind of treatment that will reduce the amount of withdrawals.
At the same time, it can also help reduce the intensity of them as well. These symptoms stemming from opioid addiction can be quite serious. That’s why it is important to treat them regularly with medication.

Source: sandstonecare.com
MAT is not the only thing they’ll go through
What you’ll want to be aware of is that MAT is not a standalone treatment. In fact, it’s part of the entire treatment plan that your loved one will undergo. They will need to undergo the standard therapy procedures with a substance abuse counselor.
They can also be able to receive additional counseling if they are dealing with mental health disorders. They will undergo a treatment plan that is tailored and fitting to their needs. As your loved one does their best to get through their addiction, it is important for you to continue supporting them.
They will need a solid and strong support system that will help them along this long journey. They know that sobriety is in reach. It’s up to you to help them out in any way possible. You also want to make sure they hold themselves accountable in following their treatment plan.
Join a support group, if possible
As a loved one of someone looking to beat an addiction, you can join a support group. This can be a group of people that have loved ones that are dealing with drug addiction themselves. You can gain a lot of value while supporting others.
You will support each other and provide uplifting encouragement that will be long-lasting. There is no better feeling in the world quite like the support you can receive from people who share the same struggles as you do. You each are bonded by one common goal: help your loved one beat addiction.
While you may not be undergoing a treatment plan yourself, this is part of building that support group your loved one needs.
Source: drugpolicy.org.auFinal Thoughts
If you have a loved one that is dealing with an addiction, they may undergo medication-assisted treatment. While they are following through with a treatment plan, you now understand the basics of what will be happening during this process.
Meanwhile, you’ll want to make sure that you give your loved one the support they need. You should also seek support yourself during this process. The addiction your loved one is suffering shouldn’t be a battle they fight alone.
Do your best to ensure that your loved one gets the help they need while being there for them every step of the way.