There was a petition happening when a man opened it because he didn’t like The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s behavior. He demands that they are removed from their royal titles, and there will be a meeting held on Thursday. At the meeting, the council will make a decision regarding the royal family’s titles and whether they are worthy of it or whether they will be stripped from it.

Source: WireImage
In July this year, a man from the United Kingdom started a petition which was opened for signatures, and since it got nearly 4000 signatures, there will be a meeting held on Thursday. The petition says, “We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to reject the usage of the titles “Duke of Sussex” and “Duchess of Sussex” by the individuals Henry (“Harry”) Windsor and Rachel Meghan Markle as morally wrong and disrespectful to the county of East Sussex. As residents of Brighton and Hove we call on Brighton and Hove Council to not refer to these individuals by such titles, which we believe to be entirely non democratic and symbolic of the oppression of the general public by the wealthy elite.”

Source: Time Magazine
When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got married, they got their titles as The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which was presented to them by Queen Elizabeth II. The petition also said how Meghan Markle and Prince Harry didn’t deserve their titles, and how they are “arbitrarily and unfairly acquired.”
We will see what will happen at the meeting, and will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle lose their royal titles.