These men are mentally ill
There are a number of paraphilias (sexual fantasies, urges, and/or behaviors of things that are extremely intense and reoccurring), including things like voyeurism, exhibitionism, sexual sadism, and necrophilia.
Paraphilias can also include an obsession with bodily fluids: Urine, vomit, blood, etc. Hey, you do you. Unless your fetish is non-consensual, then we’ve got major issues. Just like with these men who are just can’t keep their paraphilia to themselves and their lovers.
You’ve probably heard of urban legends of some weirdo putting his man juice in food for other people to eat. Well, some of those tales are based on fact. The following men have a semen fetish, where they are compelled for unsuspecting people to ingest it or wear it their jizz. Why? It might take a team of physiologists to tell you that.
Get ready to get grossed out.

Credit: TextureMAN/Shutterstock
Cookie Monster

Source: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
In 2013, Los Angeles elementary school teacher Mark Berndt was finally caught playing a revolting game with his students.
He would blindfold his students and would spoon-feed them cookies that were made with his own semen. That was the only part of his fetish: He liked to take photographs of the kids while blindfolded. A drugstore photo clerk noticed and when police investigated Berndt’s classroom, they found a spoon which was tested to find traces of his semen.
Berndt eventually pleaded no contest to 23 counts and was sentenced to serve at least 25 years behind bars.
“For all intents and purposes, this man murdered these children emotionally,” Sean Rossall, a district spokesman said. He also added that at all of the children were put in therapy.
Berndt had to be a teacher for 30 years.
Free Samples

Credit: nelen/Shutterstock
Anthony Garcia was a 32-year-old grocery store employee in 2012. He was giving out free samples of yogurt in the New Mexico supermarket and… well, you guessed it.
One of the victims told police that the yogurt was “gross and disgusting” and tasted like semen. Officials believe that Garcia had done the same to at least four other women.
“A federal prosecutor noted that Garcia ‘tricked his victim into placing his semen into her mouth,’ since he ‘wanted to be in a position to witness the victim consume his bodily fluid.’”
He was sentenced to two years in prison.
Not Novacaine

Credit: vchal/Shutterstock
In North Carolina, dentist John Hall would tell only female patients that he a special remedy to help stop the bleeding in their mouths. With a syringe, he would inject a white fluid in the mouths and them to swallow it.
How’d he get caught? His employees started collecting the strange syringes around the office after one woman refused the method after she claimed that it “smelled like the sperm.”
Dr. Hall ended up in court and pled guilty to charges of engaging in immoral conduct, violating dentistry’s standard of care, and seven misdemeanor counts of sexual assault. Six former patients testified against him and a DNA test of some of his syringes determined that he was, in fact, using semen. He was only in jail for four months.
He lost his license and tried to open up shop in Belize, but was shut down after locals learned of his past.
Bad Apples

Source: Pixabay
In December of 2016, three Omaha, Nebraska students were cited by police for misdemeanor assault and face disciplinary action from the school.
Who was the victim of the semen? Their teacher.
They had previously planned this prank to occur during a class about food. One day the boys left the room at different times to use the restroom. After returning, they allegedly added the semen to their food items and gave them to the teacher to taste.
Officers that interviewed the boys said all three admitted to the plan. Two of the three admitted to placing the semen into frosting they were making. The third student said he decided not to take part in the prank.
What gave them away? Their teacher had sampled the frosted and noted it tasted off. Another student told her that they had overheard the semen plan.

Source: VideoBlocks
In 2015, police said that New Yorkers Christopher Hinds admitted to storing his fluids in a hand sanitizer container and using the bottle to throw the fluids onto two different women on two separate days.
Police said he also admitted to committing the same offense on two other occasions.

Source: Rebel Circus
There’s a lot of food in Asia that Westerners would call “gross.” Like eating partially cooked squid. In 2012 a woman in Seoul, Korea bit into one of these squids and the cephalopod released its sperm bag into her mouth.
The woman said she felt a “pricking and foreign-body sensation” while she started to chew and then spat the squid out. She went to the hospital when she felt severe pain and several “small, squirming” creepy crawlies in her mouth.
Doctors found “twelve small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like organisms” in the mucous membranes of her tongue and cheek.
Original by Chewy Boese