Everyone knows the old saying “hygiene is two-thirds of health,” and this famous quote can be applied to almost every aspect of our lives. Namely, we take good care of ourselves, as only when someone is healthy can they plan anything else. Now, since our well-being is number one on our life list, where and in which conditions, residence-wise, we live also plays a huge role. It basically means is that we also need to take good care of the place we live in, which is why regular cleaning is a must.
Yes, there are two kinds of people, those who simply live to clean and those who see it only as a chore that they want to get rid of as quickly as possible, but nonetheless of the type you are, cleaning, especially the spring one is on your list.
Vacuuming, mopping, and everything else about the house is an important task during spring. Spring cleaning helps people remove dust, dirt, and grime from all areas of the house effectively. A deep cleaning helps us overcome many health issues caused by bacteria, germs, dirt and mold, allergens, and other toxins in our home. A clean environment in our home invites bright fortune and prosperity inside. Yes, our visitors feel comfortable and praise us for our neat behavior. Moreover, family members, especially kids, lead a disease-free life forever.
Furthermore, especially now, with COVID-19, and everything that’s going on in the world, we have all somehow realized just how easy it is for bacterias and viruses to spread. Of course, this is just one more reason why spring cleaning is not only required but a must.
It all starts from the quality of the air we breathe, which is why improving indoor air quality enhances our lifestyle to a great extent. Yes, our mood remains positive and healthy always, and, from the psychological point of view, the effect that a healthy environment has on us is vast. Let us now delve deeper into the spring cleaning tips or suggestions right away here.
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1. Plan or schedule
It involves a lot of deep thoughts and a well-versed plan beyond the usual mopping and brushing activities. You must have a structured plan for the task at hand.
Make a list of rooms in a house, prioritize them so that you will precisely know in which order to clean them. Furthermore, one can also prepare a list of all the materials and tools required simultaneously. Keep in mind that the sweeping activity must involve natural soaps and detergents instead of chemicals. Once you are ready with the above things, plan or fix a day or days devoted to this task. Plan a day that is convenient for you without any outside work or any hectic schedule.
These operations must be step by step instead of random ones. By this step, one can start and finish the spring cleaning work smoothly and flexibly without any odds. If you stick to that plan, the rooms in the house will look fantastic afterward.
2. Time and date break up

Source: harausa.com
Once we are ready with the plan for spring cleaning in our house, we should set a time for all the required activities. If fine, then breaks the timings and date according to the room size and your work schedule. Check how long each task takes to complete. This time set up or break will help you to finish the errands as per the time allotted.
3. Decluttering
In every house, many materials lay everywhere reminding the bad and sad events of years together, meaning that you will have to pay great attention to removing those junk or sold off. You can also donate them to needy people if they require them. Once you start organizing these items, the home gives you a nice appearance that you have not seen before. Yes, decluttering task enhances the aesthetic value of the house and add beauty.
4. Top to bottom

Source: today.com
Tackling these tasks yield many benefits if one starts with a proper plan, and the best one is to start from top to bottom and make sure that everything is done properly. Go with cleaning the ceiling first, and start doing so by removing the dust, and then do everything else step by step. Also, clean the light fixture gently and slowly because it can have stains that come down by walls wiping. Once the top work is over, you can continue and come down to take care of the windows and blinds. This step is a clever tactic to clean the house and will take much less of your time. In the end, it is something that everyone wants, a clean house and more free time.
It is vital to sanitize the light switches and doorknobs to control the growth of microbes because they are one of the places that bacteria and microbes love the most. The main reason for that is that we touch them too many times a day, and we surely do not wash our hands before that. Pictures in our homes are handled with care to remove dust, and if we are not careful, we can easily break the glass. You can clean furniture and closets by using vacuums, and it is one of the best ways to make sure that all the dust is gone. Once these cleaning tasks are over, we can dedicate our attention to the floors and wipe them to perfection. In most cases, it will not be enough to wipe them once, so we need to be prepared for wiping.
5. Furniture arrangement

Source: dreamcloudsleep.com
Arrange the furniture in the house properly to enhance the look and make it looks more modern, aesthetic, and chick. We can also remove the damaged furniture in our home, if there is any, of course, or replace it with the new one. It may be a more expensive solution, but sometimes it is the only one, especially when the furniture is too damaged and cannot be fixed. On the other side, if the furniture is not too damaged, we can be creative and try to fix it on our own. Plan accordingly to improve the aesthetic value of your home and increase its market value. Besides that, the whole property will look much better and more pleasant to the eye if everything is in its place.
6. Wrapping Up
Have you ever thought about hiring a professional cleaning service provider in your city to make the house looks fresh and amazing? You may feel comfortable and get a tremendous result with the help of cleaning professionals because they deliver results by using quality equipment and tools to clean and never miss the spot. If the above tips or suggestions work to your satisfaction, the house may give a fantastic look to the eyes. That means we can welcome the season change with a great smile by following the above suggestions, and we need to agree that it is not difficult to follow them. If possible, we should use the latest technologies in cleaning the home if we clean on our own. Indeed, we should be prepared to face the season change by effective cleaning ideas stated above because it is proven that they can help. Alternatively, you may want to try some other solution, so one of the options is to try Spring Cleaning Singapore here.