Developing an addiction isn’t an overnight process; it takes constant and longer activity to come into existence. No person wants to develop an addiction, it is the process that occurs through seeking a coping mechanism to switch off the negative thoughts of mind for some time, or for temporary enjoyment.
When an individual comes across an obstacle he wants to feel relaxed and tries to seek out a solution to this problem. This is where a habit starts from as the person tries to keep away the problem he uses toxication and switches off the mode for some time. However, the problem remains unsolved after wearing off the toxication.
In this article, we will uncover the process of developing an addiction, step by step. We will explore the stages of its development that how an activity turns into a habit, and how a habit becomes an addiction. Being aware of the development can enable an individual to keep track of their habit and when to quit.
1. Experimentation As a Coping Mechanism

Everyone deals with a number of issues in day-to-day lives, it may be professional, family-related, or social obstacles that are hard to deal with. When an individual faces trouble he considers it better to feel high and keep away the interruptions. And this is when a habit starts as the person uses a coping mechanism to deal with the issue by getting intoxicated.
However this is not the permanent solution for the issue, but by getting high a person tries to switch off the negative feelings, or exasperation. This experiment of avoiding temporary problems eventually becomes a permanent pain. When anyone uses any kind of substance and gets success in avoiding the issues even for some time, he tries the same method again and again for feeling the same pleasure.
2. Coping Mechanism Become a Daily Habit

The constant reiteration of the same activity or use of a substance becomes a daily habit that propels the person to go forward. Whenever he feels a troublesome situation, the mind suggests repeating the same method and it becomes a habit.
The use of a substance starts with an intention to cope with the issues but no one even imagines that the activity he is nurturing right now will become a massive problem. When a coping mechanism turns into a habit, a person can’t ignore or procrastinate it because it makes him feel happy. This is the reason why people continue a habit for a long time.
3. Abusing of Substance By Crossing The Limits

By using a substance on a daily basis an individual feels it pleasing to continue the same. He always tries to accelerate pleasure by optimizing and increasing the number of substances. A kind of thinking develops in mind that the enhancement of the number of substance use gets him more pleasing moments.
And the substance use starts getting high and higher constantly. Now a certain limit on substance use may not be able to give full toxication and this is the reason for crossing the limit. For feeling more pleasure a person starts abusing the substance by crossing the number and prescription limits.
4. Dependency on Substance

The constant use of activity makes anyone habituated to it. This is what happens also with substance use. When an individual uses a certain substance he forgets the feelings and enjoyments of normal life. He never wants to be normal as the feelings after using substances enable him to feel better.
After the use of a substance as a coping mechanism or daily habit for a long time makes a person dependent on it. The dependency compels him to use the thing, alcohol, tobacco, or any other product on the time he usually takes. This dependency on a substance becomes so strong that a person with addiction experiences it hard to live without.
5. Habit Turns Into an Addiction

The dependency on a substance for feeling relaxed eventually turns into an addiction. An addiction is a strong form of a habit that isn’t easy to quit. With a habit, anyone has control over it and can easily overcome it, but addiction isn’t the same. With an addiction, things go beyond control as the body and mind become addicted to a substance. It causes an intent craving for a substance that you can hardly ignore.
When you procrastinate the cravings start affecting you by occurring withdrawal symptoms. In withdrawal symptoms, you may feel physical or mental health issues such as severe pain, headache, loss of attention at work, heavy perspiration, and a lot more. This is why a normal experiment becomes a habit and eventually turns into an addiction.
How to Get Treated?

If you have found any kind of growth habit in you or in any of your loved ones, take it into account and measure as well if you are not nurturing a massive and counterproductive addiction. If you have realised any sign of addiction in one of your loved ones, make them aware of the consequences and try to move him towards treatments. No one can treat addiction on his/her own so never try to waste the time.
As soon as you recognise the sign of any addiction, you take assistance from medical experts so that you can go on the right track. Or you can go to a rehab where you will have the entire solution to your addiction. The primary purpose of rehab centers is to provide adequate solutions to patients with addictions. So that he can quit it conveniently. You can find numerous rehab centers for a better treatment plan. You can also visit here for more solutions.
Final Thoughts
Now you might have got most of your questions solved about the development process of addiction. You have also become aware of how it grows step by step and does not develop overnight. You can measure yourself as well as your loved ones and if you find any kind of symptoms of growing a habit or an addiction take ownership and take adequate medication as taking medication at early stages can make it convenient to overcome addiction with minimal efforts.