Our bodies are up to 70% made from water, the majority of our blood and every cell in our body is composed of water. Hence, in order for our bodies to function properly, water is one of the most important things.

Source: surfwater.com
Here are 10 reasons why drinking water is important:
- It increases energy and relieves fatigue – since our brain is mostly made up of water, drinking it helps you think, focus, and concentrate much better. As a bonus, your energy levels will be higher and you will be more alert to the things happening around you. Keep in mind that dehydration decreases alertness and concentration which will make it harder for you to do everyday tasks.
- It promotes weight loss – water removes by-products of fat, reduces food intake (by filling up your stomach before or during meals) and hunger, boost your metabolism, and it also has zero calories.
- It flushes out toxins – it gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and infections that you might get.
- It improves skin complexion – by drinking water, it moisturizes your skin. It will also keep it fresh, soft, and smooth. Drinking water is probably the best anti-aging treatment out there since it gets rid of wrinkles as well.
Source: surfwater.com
- It maintains regularity – when digesting food, water is one of the most important things. It helps digest food and prevents constipation.
- It boosts the immune system – a person who drinks plenty of water is less likely to get sick. And honestly, who would not like to feel healthy and energized all the time? Drinking lots of water could help you fight against the flu, common cold, and other illnesses like heart attacks.
- It prevents cramps and sprains – proper hydration keeps joints anointed and muscles more elastic, hence there is a less possibility of sprains and cramps during exercise. It will also help to stop existing joint pain.
- It is a natural headache remedy – people suffering from migraines or back pains should drink plenty of water to relieve and prevent headaches, which are commonly caused by dehydration. So, if you are looking for a natural, medication-free, and free means to get some relief, you could try drinking water.
- It will put you in a good mood – when your body is hydrated, it will function at its best. It improves your ability to think, even mild dehydration can have a negative impact on how you feel. Hence, by sipping water throughout the day, you will feel good and be more.
- Simply put, it keeps you alive – in extreme conditions, you can survive a month without food, but you can only survive a week (at most), without drinking water.

Source: surfwater.com
About SurfWater
Sport and beach lovers, surfers, and ordinary people enjoy spending a lot of time near the ocean and sea. In most cases, they enjoy their leisure time under the powerful heat of the Sun. The warm temperatures combined with constant activity demand for you to drink plenty of water – but instead regular tap water, you can drink Surfwater.
The first thing which makes this water so specific is that it is packed in an aluminum water bottle. This makes the brand ecological and socially responsible that delivers only fresh, purified water in aluminum bottles. Approximately 500.000 plastic bottles are used every single minute and many of them actually end up in our oceans, harming the marine animals and polluting our waters. Hence, aluminum is recycled more often and efficiently than any other packaging, including glass and carton packaging.
So, if you want to stay healthy, save the world, and drink high-quality purified water, you can do that with this elegantly designed Surfwater.