In the midst of chaos and a seemingly 24-hour a day depressing news cycle, it’s important to look at the shiny, sparkly thing over there that does not make you think about death for 3 seconds at least. Such is the case with this cute story about a couple reuniting after over 60 years apart.
An English couple who was asked to break off their engagement 65 years ago were finally able to reunite and be together, damn the odds. Yay, good news! Anyway, the couple first fell in love when Davy Moakes, 86, was 21, and his now wife, Helen Andre, 82, was 16. According to the BBC, they got engaged in 1951, but Andre’s mother didn’t like that her potential son-in-law was an artist and told them to split up. It also probably didn’t help that she was still underage, but also, it was a different time and I guess the “An artist???” thing was worse back then.
Andre’s daughter, Debbie Williams, said that hearing they couldn’t be together, “broke both their hearts, but in those days you did as you were told.” So they split up and tried to go about their lives. But then once they were reunited, Williams says, “They got talking and rekindled their relationship and they fell madly in love…I am so happy for them.”

Source: HealthyWomen
So how did this adorable happy ending come to be? Well, Andre found a sculpture by Moakes’ son Adrian, 57, in the tiny town where they first met, and decided to try and find Moakes again. When she did, she also found out Moakes’ second wife had died 18 months prior, and Andre herself had recently become widowed for the third time. (Note: I am so glad this story has a happy ending because man, these two have been through a lot of death.)
They finally married on Friday, with Mr. Moakes adding, “If you love someone as much as we do it never goes away.” Sorry BRB, crying, but also, hold please because Mrs. Moakes added, “I’ve loved him all my life, I’m overjoyed, we’re together at last.”
I’m having so many The Notebook feelings right now. And man, would I much rather have The Notebook feelings than any of the other way too real and not even close to The Notebook feelings I’ve been having lately, thanks.
There are also some particularly cute photos of the couple then and now here that you should definitely look at if you want to feel hope in your heart again, even if only briefly. Briefly still counts.
Original by Lane Moore