You finally made it – you have your business and don’t have to work the regular 9 to 5 schedule. But, the thing is that running a business isn’t that easy and you have to take care of a lot of things. At the end of the day, the responsibility and results are yours.
Running a successful company especially in the times we are living demands a lot of investing, for which you expect will pay off at the time. And one of the things people tend to forget is the importance of having a good conference/event setup. Either because they don’t want to invest additional money, or don’t know about it a lot of companies do not have the right AV system. The benefits of a good audio-visual system are huge. Still, buying audiovisual equipment might not be the most cost-effective choice as it the trends switch fast and you might be left with outdated cameras and lightings very fast. Thus, renting AV equipment is probably your best option.
Let’s take a look at when to do it and what you get out of it!
When Is The Right Time To Rent AV Equipment
If you decided to go for renting instead of buying there are a few things you have to think of. First of all renting allows you to specialize without breaking your budget – you are allowed to one-time rent certain equipment that you might need for an event. This way you will escape the chances of investing more than you have to. Renting AV will be your best choice if you plan on organizing a huge company meeting, or certain celebration events. It will allow all the visitors and employees to have a nice and clean presentation of your goal, and enjoy the whole event. And conference calls are much better when you have the right AV equipment!

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The Benefits Of Renting AV Equipment
From flat screens, and video walls, to regular LED screens, tripods, projectors, and cameras AV equipment includes everything you might need for a successful presentation. Of course, you need to find the right company for your area like Audio Visual Rentals Toronto, for example, is, that will be able to provide fast transportation and customer support. Let’s take a look at all the benefits of renting:
- Cost-Effective. First of all, you save money. It is simple you don’t need to purchase anything, so your expenses are much lower, and you will be able to use different equipment for each event. You also save on the ownership costs, as you don’t have to pay for the maintenance (that is included in the company’s service).
- Along with that, transporting the needed equipment will be much easier as instead of renting a separate truck for that the company will do it for you. They will also adapt to any ad hoc changes that might occur.
- Also, you will not have to worry about possible misfits or installation problems as qualified experts are there to do it for you. This will save you both time and money.
- Customer Support. Along with regular maintenance, you will get the option of a 24/7 customer support so in case anything goes wrong, or you want to make some changes it will not represent a problem. This is something you can’t expect once you bought your equipment (the company will be less motivated to do it).

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Finding The Right AV Agency
It is simple, you want a good AV renting agency that is in your area, and has good customer support. A good example is the Audio Visual Rentals Toronto – an agency in Canada that offers a lot for a good price. They have a wide range of newest equipment, a team of qualified experts and are available 24/7. That is something you should look for in a renting agency, as your company’s reputation depends on it.
At the end of the day, it is your choice if you will go for the AV equipment at all. We just think that renting the same will reap great benefits for your company, and make your presentations and events more enjoyable!