There are more than 7 billion people all over the world, and in the times we are living although everyone should have an equal chance for success and normal life it isn’t like that. The fact is that especially in the third world countries people live in environments that aren’t humane, and for example, in Africa, a lot of citizens don’t even have clean water to drink. And this is a huge problem. On the other hand, those in wealth (especially the big 1% that has a lot of the world’s revenue) don’t seem to care, and it just looks like as time goes people that are poor become even poorer and those in wealth get only richer, and that is not how it should be.

On the other hand with the Middle East situation and conflicts raging there have been millions of refugees heading mostly to Europe and USA. And the fact is that it isn’t that easy to regulate that whole problem. Thus, a lot of refugees are left without shelter, food, water and proper clothing for the upcoming conditions. Along with that, even those that want to work don’t get proper chances to show their desire. And in correlation to that, there are a lot of homeless people all around the world that just didn’t have luck or got fired for reasons that shouldn’t be.
Having all this in mind, the importance of helping those in need is clear, but it still seems to lack – for whatever reason. Some people simply don’t think about it, while others simply don’t see it as their business. But think this way – you wouldn’t want to be left with anyone and anything right? So if you look at it from that perspective, it is clear that you should try to help with at least something. It is quality that matters, not the quantity of an act.
Saying all this, a song called Winter’s Melody has taken the internet by the storm in the past few months, and it emphasizes all the power of music in changing someone’s opinion and sending the right message.

Source: Christianity Today
The Importance Of Winter’s Melody
This beautiful instrumental song has become quite popular for the past few months, and people have been supporting the #HeedTheNeed initiative all around the world. This elegant yet powerful melody suggests how important it is to help the people that are in dire need, and that you should always enjoy doing so. Especially in the times when winter is coming, and the weather is pretty rough – people that are without a shelter or food have even lower chances of making it through. And the Winter’s Melody doesn’t care about how much you will give, what is important is to realize how good of an act that is and simply help with what you have. Whether its shelter, clothing, food or water it is much appreciated.
Source: Winter’s Melody has beautiful calm tones with a vibrant rising spirit to it. It is something that goes straight to your heart, and you can never get enough of it. The Dr. S Universe website lists three charity links that you can go to and donate for the poor, or you can simply go ahead and help people in need around your area. It is up to you, but the fact is that you simply can’t say no to this song and its message!
Before forming an opinion about others always think how you would feel if you were in that condition and kind of state. Thus, help others, feel good and know that you will get your reward later on the way!