We all know the stereotype — men want sex and they want it now. And now. And now. Except when they … well, don’t. And when that happens, it’s confusing. And frustrating. And even hurtful. We ask ourselves: Why won’t my husband have sex with me? What’s going on with him?

Source: 24sata
Okay, ladies, it’s important to remember that just because the stereotype is that all men want to have sex all of the time doesn’t mean it’s true. Just like all blonde women aren’t stupid, not all men are sexually motivated creatures. And for your man, having a low libido may be the cause of shame, confusion, and embarrassment.
Here are the top reasons men do not want to have sex.
Medication. While we’ve made great advancements in medications, many of the drugs men take to lower their blood pressure or relieve their depression have unexpected side effects. Specifically a lower sex drive. If this may be the culprit, encourage your man to speak to his doctor about it.

Source: CBHS Health Fund
Stress and anxiety. Men often cite that they’re concerned about their performance in the bedroom. Try reassuring your partner that you’re going to feel fulfilled — no matter what — and that you both simply need to keep your expectations in check.
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