So, you want to get deep on the concept of casual sex? Look no further than Collective Love, a site that searches casual sex classifieds (like Craigslist’s “casual encounters”) in your area and applies a markov chain algorithm to generate text using the ideas and feelings expressed by the ad posters. What does that mean exactly?
According to the website, it’s an attempt to use “the relative anonymity of the internet” to bring forth “humanity’s hidden thoughts” and extract “the semi-conscious impulses from beneath the veil of cultural repression, liberating long lost desires, giving them oxygen and sunlight.”
Even more poetically put, Collective Love extrudes “the amorous essence” from a “morass of anonymous expressions of lustful intent” and makes them into a collage of sexual influences and references that are not quite human and not quite alien. It’s a “carnival of refracted flirtation,” if you will. (If I ever have a band, that’s what it will be called, by the way — Carnival Of Refracted Flirtation.)

Source: youtube
I’m understanding it as the scientific equivalent of the collective unconscious, as it relates to casual sex. Carl Jung, wherever he may be, is frothing at the mouth. I plugged in my information into Collective Love’s ad generator, and here’s an excerpt of what it spat out:
I’m looking for just about Yourself and kids. I am seeking a shirtless painter in receiving oral encounter. Naturally, given my early fourties, height, and in that pu**y an advertisement for fun times a relationship and adventure; hope to chit chat and is something about yourself and biting. So incredibly sexy and kids and Fuck on and age. Hi.
Verdict: our sexual, collective unconscious is inSANE. I can thank Collective Love for the phrase “fuck on and age,” as I plan to sign my emails this way. I think if I really want to take this carnival of refracted flirtation to the next level, I need to post this ad on Craigslist and see what kind of responses I get. Jezebel]
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