The long-awaited moment has arrived: You decided to make the dream of building a house from scratch come true. Also, if you want to find out more about high-quality home design, will offer you some great solutions.
If you are thinking of having your own house, you will probably ask yourself such questions:
“Where to start?”
“What do I need to know before I build my house?”
Would you like to know what things to keep in mind to make fewer mistakes?
We prefer to tell you some unusual but much more practical things to save you a lot of problems, and not just the economic ones.
The following ideas are the result of many different experiences – mistakes and successes. We are convinced that if you put them into practice, you will be able to experience it yourself and then tell it as a story with a happy ending.
If you want to know how to plan the construction of a house, these tips will help you to make no mistake.
1. Find a Trusted Architect
Yes, I know: you don’t want covert advertising. Don’t worry, that’s not our idea. What’s more: we exclude ourselves from the choice.
It just so happens that you can’t even think of starting a story like this without trusting someone prepared to help you go through this experience.
Although it is a temptation to try to build a house without an architect, I guarantee that it is the wrong way.
Let’s see an example. If I have to have surgery, I will want an experienced doctor; who would think of anything else! Why am I not going to use the same criteria with who is going to be in charge of building my own house?
First Golden Tip: Look for someone with training and experience (obviously), but fundamentally with a willingness to dialogue.
Yes, as simple as that. Does this seem like a minor issue to you? We assure you that nothing is further from reality. We rule out that you will give importance to technical capacity and professional solvency. But this is not all. Don’t forget that no work problem (mechanical or human) is solved if there is no capacity for dialogue.
The path to take is not without obstacles, and to help you dodge or cross them without falling, you will need a reliable guide.
There is no way to imagine it if you do not have the peace of mind that you can be interpreted and understood as you deserve. None of this can be accomplished without having someone predisposed to dialogue in front of you.
Surrounding yourself with excellent human resources will be essential, and the architect should be the first of them.
2. Imagine a project without limitations
When we commission a house building project, our minds are often a host of restrictions.
“I ask for little, not to spend too much.”
But I invite you to ask yourself, will that be your reality for life? Thinking about the project with our current limitations is taking the risk of conditioning the space we are going to inhabit. That is simply because of the following:
You won’t always be on a budget. Someday you will be more comfortable to think about improving your house
Nor will it be just two of you forever. The family will grow, and space too.
To imagine a project that responds only to your today’s reality is “mortally hurt” before time. You may risk that your house, in the future, will not adapt to the changes you have to live.
In the first chat with our future clients, we usually propose a very productive exercise:
Imagine the project of a house as if there were no limitations of any kind.
You should build in stages so that your house does not allow natural growth. It is unthinkable to have to expand a home by closing windows or cutting environments in half.
Something fundamental will also have to be recognized. Just as it is good to encourage the flights of the imagination, you will have to be careful not to take your feet off the ground. We must not forget that everything imagined must be able to be built. The rest only in a dream.
It is incredible to see how many things come to light in this exercise that otherwise would not have manifested. That happens because of the limitation that we impose on ourselves and it masks what we like. The ideas that emerge are innovative and express what we want and not what we think we should ask for.
You will understand it better with this example:
It is complicated to locate a third bedroom when your original project did not foresee it, just because at that moment, “there were only two.” The same happens with your project with reduced dimensions (“to reduce expenses”). I’m sorry to inform you but:
Your expenses will continue to grow, and, therefore, your space needs to do so, too.
3. Have a Plan to Build a House
Getting to have your own home is a great future project that cannot be done based on improvisations. The only thing that awaits you along that path will be disappointments. To know how to build a house, you need to have a plan or a strategy to carry it out.
Let’s see if we agree on this!
If you set your mind to travel the world, the logical thing would be to draw up a plan that includes several elements:
The places we want to visit
An itinerary to follow
A time to make the trip
The economic means to face it; definitely,
The ways to make the dream possible.
Building a home is like that trip, and requires the same planning.