We all love a great patio. Indoors are naturally where we spend most of our time, and thanks to this, they sometimes tend to get too familiar and just a little bit boring. And at times like this, it’s always nice to have a great patio to retreat to.
And while having a great patio is awesome and everything, it is not an easy feat to pull off. A lot of thought must naturally go into it. How much space is there available? How much space should be kept? And then there’s the question of budget, furniture and so on.
One would think to have all these factors – space, money, etc. – would be the sole determinant of how good the entire project turns out to be. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is possible to have the highest quantity of space and money and still end up with visibly underwhelming patio design.
Listed below, then, are a few tips and tricks and general advice to help make your life easier in your quest for the perfect patio design.
1. Never Forget the Aim
The aim is to have a great usable space for your pleasure. But in the quest for having a great patio, we sometimes forget that the most important thing is to have the optimal functionality with the little space available.
Instead, we get carried away with all the intangibles and end up having a clustered area, which is both functionally and aesthetically off, completely missing the point.
Having the aim in mind all through the planning and the process, however, help ensure that this does not happen.
2. Positioning and Privacy
According to Hickslandscapedesign.com, one of the most important, and yet easily forgettable, aspect of a great patio is privacy. Ensure to build your patio in a space where you have the optimal amount of design space without yielding any privacy.
Sure, this is subjective, and most people would give precedence to other things in a trade-off. For instance, in circumstances where you have to cede privacy to have more space, some might easily choose more area, so this isn’t exactly an infallible rule.
It is, however, a general guideline that wouldn’t hurt to follow. Having a large intricate space is nice and all that, but when the time comes for you to derive as much use for your patio as possible, you may start wishing you had just a little privacy with your positioning.
Other factors that affect positioning should also be taken into consideration, for example, the position of the sun, where it hits from with the most intensity, and, of course, where you get the best view.
It is the perfect combination of all these conditions that make a great patio.
3. Size Matters – Or Not
As mentioned earlier, while most of the time, homeowners tend to go for bigger patio sizes, they do this at the expense of other equally essential conditions. Meanwhile, a great patio is one that makes use of the little space to achieve a lot.
It is essential to ensure that the available space dictates size in such a way that it is designed to make the most out of the little available, without forcing anything.
Sure, having a large, spacious patio is great, but with the right amount of planning and expertise, you’d be amazed at what an expert landscape designer can do for your small space. Personally speaking, some of the best patio designs we’ve ever seen are those without an outrageous amount of space. Just expertise and creativity.
4. Style
This is another area where choosing a respected and adept designer comes into place. As an extension of the point above, size sometimes also dictates the style that should be employed. And it takes an adept designer to decide which style is particularly desirable for a certain space and which isn’t.
Of course, size isn’t the only factor to consider. You also have to take into notice the underlying design of the whole house and environment. This goes a long way in determining a suitable style.
A contemporary and traditional design will ideally have varying patio designs suitable for their styles. And it even gets trickier as it is possible to have houses that combine a mixture of these two.
So, again, it all comes to down the expertise. You can do so much with so little once you know or hire someone who knows what they’re doing.
5. Budget
Setting a budget is also another important aspect of making a great patio. The point is to guide against overspending while also providing enough to get the most optimal results.
Yes, spending a lot of money improves your chances of having a great patio. When it comes to designing, money gets you a good thing. But you know what gets you even better thing? Proper planning.
This ensures that you get the best at the cheapest cost. Rushing into any designing or building project is the best way to ensure that you grossly overspend on it.
Another thing to consider is whether or not to hire a professional landscaper. While sometime it may seem as though getting a professional landscaper would be a little too expensive and increase your overall cost, sometimes reverse is the case.
Because getting a professional to oversee the whole project may be the thing that stops you from spending too much on unnecessary stuff and optimizing the little available to their fullest potential.
There are many factors responsible for building a great patio space, from proper planning and positioning to budgeting and size economy, the way your patio will turn out mostly depends on how effectively you manage all these conditions to achieve the most optimal result.
Most times, as in all things when it comes to design, it doesn’t just boil down to getting the most of everything in quantity but doing so in terms of quality.
We hope you enjoyed the list. Let us know your thoughts below.