A lot of responsibilities come with being a car owner. To get the most out of your car, you need to regularly maintain and take care of it. Not only can accidents be caused, but your car could be damaged permanently if proper care is not taken of it. When owning a car, one of the major things that need to be taken care of is the alignment of the car wheels.

Source: bigchieftire.com
Tire Alignment
With respect to the car and each of the wheels, alignment of the tires refers to adjusting and checking for the angles. Misalignment can significantly reduce the life of your tire if the wheel alignment is improper. So that there is good handling car capability, there is a need for wheel alignment to be correct, which plays a role that is essential in being able to extend the life of the tire.
There are many signs which can indicate incorrect wheel alignment, including:
- A dysfunctional steering system. After the wheel has been turned, and if there is proper alignment, then the center position should be taken by the steering wheel right after
- There is unevenness in the tire wearing out.
- The vehicle wanders from side to side and is unstable.
- When driving at highway speeds, you experience the car pulling to one side.
- The car tends to wander.
- There is vibration.
Read in-depth about signs of wheel alignment on TorqueTrigger.com

Source: mercedesbenzofstpaul.com
Is it necessary to align tires?
According to Tire Reviews, one of the most important maintenance tasks is tire alignment. A dramatic drop may be experienced in handling capability when they are not aligned right. As a result, your vehicle will constantly be pulling at one side, which can greatly inhibit its ability to move or turn on a straight road. Not only will the safety of passengers be jeopardized, but it will also make the ride more uncomfortable and difficult.
The cost of car ownership will go up significantly when there is a failure to align wheels regularly. Furthermore, when you align your wheels, you will less likely be prone to tire blowouts and flat wheels since there will not be added tension acting on your tires. What’s more, suspension and wheel rims that are damaged can be led on to because of misalignment, which can affect the longevity and performance of your ride.

Source: saffordofspringfield.com
How often should you get a tire alignment?
Depending on the type of car you own, the timespan of getting a re-wheel alignment can be significantly different. Furthermore, other factors like driving habits can also affect the period. Wheel alignment by most mechanics is recommended every one-and-a-half to three years. Although, following the recommended intervals from the car manual is the best thing to do. Every once a year, an auto repair shop or a service center should look at your car for a check-up for a tire alignment. After 1 to 2 years of exposure to roads, owners may experience wheel misalignment. Although it is not necessary to have your wheels be aligned every year, especially if the car tires have worn out evenly, the car does not drift to one side, and the road is held well by your car.
Some special circumstances should be noted which may cause your drive on a more frequent basis- require tire realignment. Wheels that usually need a more frequent alignment are when they do; they belong to cars that are performance-oriented or vehicles that have wider tires. Every time new tires are installed in your car, getting a wheel alignment should be considered.

Source: hi-techcarcare.com
How long do wheel realignments take?
No matter the profession, we understand that all drivers are busy. But can alignment be considered a process that is lengthy or short?
Whether it is a four-wheel-drive or two-wheel-drive vehicle, an hour is usually taken for wheel alignment under normal circumstances. However, when some components must be replaced completely, it will take a longer time. This is when the suspension system, track rod, steel brushing of other parts have too much damage or wear-out.
How much do wheel alignments cost?
Depending on the vehicle, the price of wheel realignments varies from $60 and $190. If any of the adjustments are seized or rusted badly, charges may be more. Repair shops and services centers that are more advanced and newer, track wheel alignment needs thorough investigation for better results.
How should a printout for a Post alignment be read?
Before the car is aligned, every mechanic will have specific alignment recommendations for specific vehicles. The driver receives a report after alignment, which indicates specification for alignment, including castor, toe, and camber levels after and before.
If improper alignment is had on the car, the values out of specification could be explained by the service person beforehand. Consequently, the ‘out-of-spec’ can be shown in red, and the ‘in-spec value’ can be shown in green.
What is Caster?

Source: yourmechanic.com
The angle of the axis of steering can help in cornering, stability, and steering being balanced. For example, the steering axis will tilt towards the driver if there is an opposite caster, while it will tilt towards the vehicle’s front if the caster is negative.
What is the Toe?

Source: atlib.info
When viewed from above, the extent to which there is outward and inward shifting of the tires matters. It is called toe-in alignment when the wheels on a car are facing the same way. On the contrary, it is toe-out alignment when tires on care are angled a different way. Either way, adjustment is required by both alignments.
What is Camber?

Source: bridgestonetire.com
When viewed from the front of the car, the Camber is the angle of the tire outwards or inwards. Improper alignment is indicated known as negative or positive Camber when tilt is in either direction. The camber misalignment is contributed towards through wheel suspension parts like ball joints or worn bearings.
Final verdict
Since wheel alignment significantly impacts the performance, lifespan, safety, ride comfort of your vehicle, it is a task which you cannot afford to skip. For wheel alignment to be done right, it is important you also visit a well-reputed service center. As necessary, the experienced and skilled car technician will be able to realign vehicle wheels.
Since you might end up damaging your vehicle, even more, you should avoid the realignment of wheels by yourself at all costs. Instead, to ensure proper use of your car and optimal maintenance, wheel alignment should always be done at the best service center near you.