Sometimes you may not even think about how a toxic boss negatively affects your psychological and physical health. And if you still tolerate inappropriate treatment of yourself, we`ll tell you why it is worth stopping.
Day after day you go to work, which kills all the joy inside you, and in the evening you come home angry, dissatisfied, and tired and immediately begin to take out aggression on your relatives or complain to your wife/husband about toxic bosses, inconsistent decisions of the company or rude attitude in the team.
If you realize how detrimental such an environment at work can have on you, then it is time for you to change something in your life and it is better to start with the best resume editing service ResumeEdge. Or continue to sit back and live with resentment toward “those lucky enough to get a good job”.
How to know if you have a toxic employer

Here are a few common traits of a toxic boss:
- Micromanagement. Toxic bosses insist on taking ownership of every aspect of your job. They find it difficult to trust team members to complete tasks. Under such stifling control, the employee may lose motivation altogether.
- Unrealistic expectations. A good supervisor will set the bar so that you can reach new heights, and also grow and develop thanks to the experience. Toxic bosses, on the other hand, will set goals so high that they are impossible to achieve. As a result, employees will feel detached and hopeless.
- Rudeness. In meetings, a toxic supervisor may silence employees because they present a point of view or idea that does not coincide with his or her own. You may also hear disparaging comments about other people (rumors, gossip, gender bias) or see body language, such as eye-rolling, that indicates a passive reaction of disagreement when interacting with a toxic boss in person.
- Incompetence. It is common to see a toxic person appointed to a management position, but he does not yet fully possess the competencies needed to manage people. Simply put, he is sagging in soft skills. Often such a manager takes the time to correct his mistakes, to pump up his management skills, and instead blames his employees for his blunders.
If the points are the same and you do work under a toxic boss, in terms of human happiness, it is not clear why you would tolerate such an atmosphere. Although, of course, everyone can have their motivation, whether it’s the level of pay or the fear of not finding another job. But if the juice worth the squeeze?
What the toxicity of leadership leads to
At best, employees shut themselves off, at worst they sabotage their work, take out their anger on loved ones and become just as toxic to “survive in a threatening environment”.
You should also understand that toxic leadership ruins your success and your health. If you work in a place that does not pay attention to the psychological well-being of its employees, the risk of depression just increases by 300%. So you are not just in an undesirable environment, but you take the hit, risk losing your inner peace, getting depressed, and becoming aggressive.
Of course, with this attitude, the employee may become consumed with resentment toward the supervisor. How can this be detrimental? It’s appropriate to quote from a YouTube show:
“Resentment, it’s poison you’ve drunk and expects to make someone else feel bad, not you.”
How to deal with toxic leadership

Let’s imagine something happens that you didn’t expect. For example, it rained outside. Would you be worried and mentally recite angry monologues to the weather at night instead of sleeping? I don’t think so.
Most likely, in such conditions, you will start looking for things that will make you feel more comfortable. For example, you will take an umbrella with you outside or stay at home, wait for the rain to pass, call a cab, and so on. In any case, you will try to stay dry. And that’s a sensible approach.
You can ignore your bosses’ toxicity and get “wet” all the time, or you can “open an umbrella and stay dry.”
Do you think management toxicity isn’t a problem for you? Try to see how your mood changes during the day after a conversation with your boss and what you usually complain about to your friends and family.
A few tips to help you soften your relationship with toxic management if you’re not considering quitting:
- Be careful how you share personal information. Knowledge is power. The more the toxic person knows about your personal life, the more power he will have over you. He can then use emotional abuse or manipulation. But the less the toxic person knows about you, the less opportunity they have to hurt you.
- Always be organized and focused. It is best if you are prepared for any meeting. Keep on hand all the necessary data that the supervisor may need. Make sure you are aware of all the data and information you are supposed to provide.
- Take care of yourself. Paying attention to your own emotional and physical health should be a priority when you’re stuck in a difficult situation. To deal with negative feelings, you can try adding a few activities to your schedule that will allow you to deal with frustration and blow off steam. For example, talk to understanding friends or family members, take up a sport or other activity that makes you feel good.

In any case, if you have realized that a toxic management attitude is affecting your performance and mood, it is not worth wasting your resources and sacrificing your psychological and sometimes physical health. You have one life and surely you want to live it happily.
The best way to take care of yourself if you have to “get along” with a toxic person is to get out of this situation as soon as possible. Find a new job, your clients.
It may seem like a daunting task, but stop and ask yourself how long you can put up with an inappropriate attitude before it affects you. After all, if you leave the toxic person’s “orbit” and stop draining your resources, you’ll be surprised later how much mental and emotional energy you have.