When it comes to properly addressing one’s relationship with health, wellbeing, and quality of life, it is more than fair to say that everyone has a different approach, one that works perfectly for them but is entirely the wrong fit for the next person. At the end of the day, the bottom line is that no matter who you are, where you live, what you do, or what your lifestyle is like, you should always make it a point to prioritize your health, wellbeing, and quality of life. For many individuals, this requires a learning curve. For others, it is a practiced habit. Whichever side you happen to fall on, the bottom line is this: we should always make it a point to take the utmost care of our health and wellbeing.
So, it comes as little to no surprise that we are living in a time where there are more and more health-focused markets popping up out of the woodwork and making their impact. The dietary supplement market that spans the globe, for instance, is a market that has effectively and successfully gone from strength to strength over the years since its first introduction to the world. The dietary supplement market is quite literally always evolving and shifting. For years, this has been an industry that has thrived on a structured basis. However, in recent years, the dietary supplement market has branched out, becoming a better version of its former self and transforming from the inside out.
The market

Source: The Foodstate Company
For a while, there has been a significant pace of growth in the dietary supplement market. While this speed of evolution has not necessarily dulled in any capacity, it has definitely become less potent. Today, companies like Superiorsupplementmfg.com and the like are becoming more and more popular, and the easily and widely accessible nature of the online commerce landscape has essentially ensured that this is a market that is only going to continue going from strength to strength.  This is a market that is only going to continue going from strength to strength as time goes on. However, is the market set for a change of pace?
The hype

Source: drhoffman
The hype that surrounds the dietary supplement market is geared specifically towards selling products to consumers. Of course, this is the nature and the underlying goal of any business, however in the dietary supplement industry it is a truth that comes hand in hand with the realization that not every type of dietary supplement is worth the investment. In fact, there are many that are not worth the interest and investment. Having said that, there are many dietary supplements that are worth the investment. Ultimately what it comes down to is a case by case basis and doing your research before you invest in any type of dietary supplement.
Supplements are not Necessary

Source: Medium
While many people think that taking supplements is crucial for well-being and overall health conditions, all that nutrients and vitamins can be consumed through a healthy diet, with lots of vegetables and fruits from organic farms, or meat that is not produced on some industrial farm, where animals are being fed with various concentrates and GMO food.
On the other side, taking additional vitamins is sometimes recommended, but only in the case that your organism is missing some mineral. Also, you should get advice from the doctor, who will recommend which supplement you should take, and in what amount. Apart from that, try to avoid taking vitamins on your own.
The next very important fact that we have to mention is that many people think how taking too many supplements could not harm your health, which is not true, since a lot of vitamins, such as Vitamin A, K, or D, could cause a toxic reaction in your body if you take too much of them. The same is for Vitamins C and B, but they are less dangerous if you take too much of them, since they get easily dissolved in water, and get out of your body quickly. Some of the diseases that you could provoke with overdosing with vitamins are neuropathy, diarrhea, and many more.
Some vitamins won’t cause any side effects if you take too many of them, like vitamin D, but you should check your bloodwork from time to time, to see if some supplement is helping you, and which types of vitamins your body needs in this form. On the other hand, some people need nutrients as a regular part of their diet, especially pregnant women, vegans, older people, or people with food allergies.
Healthy Diet is Better than Taking Additional Supplements

Source: medicalnewstoday
Taking vitamins, fibers, and other nutrients are essential for our health. However, as we already said, it is much more effective if you are getting those through food, except in some situations, where your body requires some extra minerals in the form of a pill. Also, if you are taking supplements, that does not mean that you could now eat junk food, burgers, and much other stuff.
The main difference between taking supplements through food and in the form of a pill is that food also contains other various nutrients, which could benefit your body as a complex combination. The best choice would be to take a variety of food, such as whole grains, milk, fish, meat, fruits, and vegetables, which can create a condition for balanced levels of minerals in your body.
Real Benefits from Supplements

Source: Shutterstock
As we can see from the labels and packages, or from commercials that promote various types of minerals and vitamins as supplements, the question is, are all those pills beneficial in the same amount as they are presenting? According to some medical and researches, we can see that common assumptions where zinc can prevent cold, or even heart disease and cancer, are not completely correct. There are some positive effects, but not on the same levels as sellers are presenting it.
The facts

Source: bulletproof
Essentially, dietary supplements should only be used to fill any gaps that persist after one has taken care of their diet. First and foremost, you should always get your nutrients from whole foods. Then, if you are missing some nutrients and supplemental value, this is when dietary supplements come into play and have a genuinely positive impact. Otherwise, stay away from them for the most part. It cannot be stressed enough; vitamin supplements should never be utilized as a substitute for a balanced and healthy diet. If you do choose to take them regardless, ensure that you do not exceed a healthy limit.