There are many people out there who would like to enter the exciting world of programming, but simply don’t know how to do it. If you have no experience coding and have never had any connection with programming languages, it can be extremely daunting to dive into the unknown simply.
Programming is indeed a very demanding domain, and it will take a lot of effort and commitment if you want to succeed. Things can be even more intimidating if you’re going to transition from a field that has absolutely nothing to do with programming. But if you feel that this is what you want to do, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t follow your dream. Here’s what you can do to get started on your path to becoming an excellent programmer:

Source: quantumweb
Think about the reasons why you want to become a programmer
Before jumping on the bandwagon, take a moment to analyze what made you decide that programming is right for you. Is it because you simply want to learn a new skill? Do you want to become a tech whiz like the ones you saw in movies and impress your friends? Are you thinking about changing your career, and programming makes the most sense to you? You must be completely honest with yourself to make sure this is not just a fleeting phase in your life. Evaluating your reasons will also help you choose the path you need to follow to achieve your goals.
Choose a path
Now that you’re done with the introspection, and you found the answers you were looking for, it will be much easier to choose a programming language and start learning. There are different programming languages, and each one comes with its own challenges and opportunities. It’s hard to compare and pick one, but you have to start somewhere. For example, if you want to take it slow, you can begin with HTML and CSS. They’re simple and easy to learn, but they’re fundamental, so you can consider them as a warmup.
You can then move on to something more serious, such as Java, PHP, SQL, or Python, depending on your interests and the career you want to pursue further. If you’re interested in Java programming, click here to find how you can learn to master it and become a successful Java developer. Usually, experienced programmers advise starting with Python or JavaScript, since they’ll open more doors for you career-wise.

Source: eFinancialCareers
Take advantage of online resources
If you’re not keen on enrolling in formal education and coding boot camps, online courses can be a great alternative, as they offer more flexibility and can be just as effective. There are plenty of resources on the internet that can help you gain the knowledge you need to become a skilled programmer. You simply have to do some online research to find the courses that you think might suit you best and start learning.
1. Front-end development

Source: Pinterest
Front-end consists of everything the user sees. All website design, menus, button interactions, and images that create the user experience. It’s like the front of your store and what the user sees when they enter your store.
Front-end programmers are visually creative with excellent design skills. However, it is more than merely making the site look pretty. They also think of all interactions, ease of navigation, and convenience of use. The arsenal of front-end developers is made up of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming languages.
For its part, the back-end development consists of writing code that is not seen by the end-user. It usually involves working on improvements to the functionality of the system, APIs, libraries and the like. In simple words, back-end development means working with code that is not seen directly.
- HTML and CSS
HTML is used to represent different content, such as text paragraphs, titles, tables, etc. Considered as one of the easiest languages ​​to learn, HTML is an excellent starting point for any developer. Regardless of the work area you choose, HTML is part of the default package, “I know how to use a computer.” CSS is used to style the content you create with HTML. Think of your website as a can of soup. HTML is the soup and the label text, while CSS is the layout and layout.
The best place to learn to program in HTML and CSS is BitDegree, where you can find interactive HTML and CSS courses. All coding is done within the browser, so no additional downloads are required. At the end of the course, you will even have an essential website in operation. Completing the course takes approximately one or two days.
- JavaScript
Once you have a good understanding of CSS and HTML, it’s time to add spicy with a little JavaScript. It is used to make a website more “alive.” JS is a desired skill right now because companies are focusing on creating dynamic and interactive websites.
Javascript gives the site interactive functionality. Facebook buttons, Twitter retweets, and various forms work with Javascript. It offers users a visual representation of their actions and helps web developers catalog where the user clicked.
You can also start your Javascript trip on BitDegree. A JavaScript video tutorial: Learn JavaScript in just 1 hour shows you the basics of Javascript in only one hour. It is by no means the definitive guide, nor will you master Javascript in 1 hour. But it is a great place to start!
2. Back-end development

Source: VectorStock
Back-end: generally associated with databases. The website’s back-end is like a store storage room, out of sight of visitors. But it is a crucial part of the store itself. Back-end developers tend to be great problem solvers, incorporate logical thinking into their daily lives, and are more interested in the functionality of the website than in their appearance.
If your website collects user information, such as email addresses, names, surnames, etc. You must store this information in a database. SQL is used within the database to filter, add, delete, and merge this information. Going back to the store example, imagine that the database is your storage room. It’s vast, but fortunately, you have an employee who knows him well. He knows where each article is stored, but only speaks the SQL language. So, to ask him something or give him instructions, you would need to use SQL.
Where to start learning SQL? On the internet, of course. You can begin your journey through this SQL course. Interactive SQL Tutorial: Learn SQL commands and practice SQL online. The coding takes place inside the browser, and the pace is excellent. This course should be enough to prepare you for your first project.
To make the website more functional, PHP is used. This programming language is excellent when it comes to communication between websites and databases. If you have ever used a login form, it is most likely done using PHP. When you enter your login data on the site, PHP goes and verifies in the database if the details are correct. If they match, you can log in successfully. To study PHP, I recommend you start with this course. Learn PHP online: PHP basics explained in an interactive PHP tutorial.
The best courses use interactive learning environments. Then, you can start coding immediately. And it will not be necessary to configure a local development environment first. Writing code, testing, and seeing a visual representation of your system is very positive for your motivation. That said, congratulations, now you are on your way to becoming a web developer. Decide if you want to be a front-end or back-end programmer, and start learning the associated languages.